
City of Huron purchases several acres on Berlin Road for $174,500

HURON – Huron City Council unanimously voted Tuesday evening to purchase several acres of property on Berlin Road for $174,500.

The property, which is located at 624 Berlin Road, was recently listed for sale and City Manager Matt Lasko said that after City staff toured it, they “fell in love with the property.” Lasko said that the City plans on operating the property as a park and possibly partnering with other entities to do so. The 6.4 acre property currently has a three acre lake, a walking trail, a barn, and a house, which Lasko said would likely need to be torn down.

Council also approved purchasing an adjacent lot, which part of the lake and trail is on, for $1,000.

Lasko says that the City will likely take ownership of the properties by the end of July.

Also at the meeting, Council voted to annex the rest of the Sawmill Creek Resort property. In July 2021, Council approved the annexation of the majority of the property where the resort was located, in order for Cedar Fair to be able to receive tax increment financing.

Lasko said that this most recent annexation was done because Cedar Fair wanted the whole property in the same municipality. In response to a question asked by Council Member Sam Artino, Lasko said that the this portion of the property, which is generally undevelopable, will not be included with the tax increment financing, due to it not being included on Council’s 2021 vote.

The full meeting can be viewed on YouTube.

This article was written by Nate Hinners. Contact Nate at