
Citizens speak to Huron City Council about bike lane

HURON – Several Huron citizens drove or biked up to McCormick Junior High School to speak either for or against keeping the bike lane on US 6.

15 citizens spoke about the bike lane on Tuesday at either the public information meeting or city council meeting. Originally a vote to approve a new striping plan for US 6 was planned to take place at the city council meeting; however, council voted to table the vote.

Most of the citizens who spoke said they like the bike lane and support the new striping plan. Many of them said they feel safer riding in the bike lane, then they do on the normal road.

A few other citizens said that the bike lane either needs a major reign or be removed. One man, who said that he is a biker, said that there either needs to be better signage on side streets or the bike lane needs be removed and be replace with four lanes of traffic and widened sidewalks. A few others cited safety concerns with the bike lane. One man said that he saw three cars use the bike lane as a right turn lane, and a Huron Police officer just turned left.

A vote on approving the final plan is now expected to take place at the next council meeting. That meeting will take place on Tuesday, August 10 at 6:30PM.

You can watch the meeting on YouTube.