
Police Blotter for the week of April 25

HURON – Below is a summary of Huron Police reports from between April 25, 2021 to May 1, 2021.

On April 25 at 2:25AM, police arrived at Harbor House for an altercation, that had happened between patrons, earlier that night. A woman said that her and her friend were verbally harassed by another group of people. She said that the harassment turned into a man pushing her. When she went outside the restaurant to leave, she was continued to be verbally harassed. The woman was unable to provide any information about identity or whereabouts of the people who harassed them.

On April 25 at 10:02AM, police arrived at a Main Street house to assist the squad with a person, who a possible change in mental status. Police assisted, until they were no longer needed.

On April 25 at 3:03PM, Norwalk Police reported that a man who had two warrants issued by Huron Municipal Court was at Norwalk Municipal Court. The man was transported to the Huron Police station, where he was served his warrants.

On April 25 at 5:07PM, police arrived at a Riverside Drive house for a juvenile who was threatening suicide. Police found small superficial scratches and cuts that were dry on the boy’s wrist. The father said that his son did this because he took his son’s phone away. The boy was transported to Firelands Regional Medical Center.

On April 25 at 5:21PM, Sandusky Police said they had a man in custody who has a warrant issued from Huron Municipal Court. The man was unable to post bond and was transported to the Erie County Jail.

On April 26 at 7:56AM, a counselor told the school resource office that a girl had told her earlier that morning that she was suicidal. Police spoke to the girl, and she was transported to Firelands Regional Medical Center.

On April 26 at 12:00PM, a woman turned in a black wallet she found at Discount Drug Mart.

On April 26 at 6:00PM, police arrived at a Beachside Lane house for a golf cart inspection. After a $25 fee was paid, police inspected the vehicle. After meeting all of the requirements, the owner was issued a copy of the form and an inspection sticker was placed on the vehicle.

On April 26 at 7:45PM, police arrived at a South Court house for an unauthorized use of vehicle complaint. A man said that on April 24, he allowed another man to use his Jeep Compass for 2-3 hours. He said that the man has yet to return the vehicle. He also said that he has tried to contact the man several times; all to no success. Police then tried to contact the man via phone. They were also unsuccessful. Police then went to the man’s house. They found the vehicle in the driveway. Police charged the man with unauthorized use of a motor vehicle (M1).

On April 26 at 8:02PM, police arrived at a Tiffin Avenue for a report of strange noises. A woman said that in the past few nights, she has been hearing the noises coming from a vacant house that is located near her’s. She also said that some of her packages have been moved to the front porch of that house. Police told the woman that there would be extra patrols in the area.

On April 27 at 5:57AM, police arrived at the Berlin Road Mobil. The store manager said that a man parked his truck, that had a boat attached to it, in front of the store, blocking all the spots. When the man went into the store, the manager told him that he was blocking all the spots. The man said he was only getting ice and that he’d take 45 seconds. After the man bought the ice, him and the manager had a brief verbal argument. The man then left. With the description the manager gave, police were able to find the man at the boat ramp. The man admitted to blocking all the spots, but said he was only there for a minute and no one else was there. Police told the man not to return to the store.

On April 27 at 11:30AM, Elyria Police reported that they had a man with a warrant issued through Huron Municipal Court in custody. The man was later transported to the Erie County Jail.

On April 27 at 1:54PM, a man arrived at the station to report telecommunications harassment. He said that, since 11:40AM that day, he had received 40 calls from a Medicare supplement scam. Police told the man to block the number and not responded to any voicemails that were left.

On April 27 at 10:13AM, police arrived at a Riverside Drive house for a dog that had overgrown toe nails; as a result, he was unable to walk. The dog’s owner showed police the dog. The dog did have overgrown toe nails, to the point they were pointing outward; however, he was still able to walk. The Erie County dog warden later arrived and made arrangements with the owner to get the dog’s toe nails cut.

On April 27 at 4:51PM, police arrive at an Orangewood Drive house for a trespassing complaint. A woman said that a girl had knocked of her door. The woman said that she didn’t open the door, because she didn’t want to girl to have contact with her daughter. Police then spoke to the girl and her father. He said the girl and her mother went to the woman’s house, so the girl could apologize to the woman’s daughter. Police told the girl that she trespassed on the woman’s property, and that she should not contact the woman’s daughter anymore.

On April 27 at 6:39PM, a man arrived at the station to report a phone scam. The man said that he received a call, claiming to be from Amazon. The caller said that the man had an outstanding balance on a credit card. He said the caller said that he wanted him to go to Walmart to buy Visa gift cards, which the man didn’t do. Police told the man this was a scam and helped the man block the number.

On April 27 at 8:45PM, police arrived at a Linden Drive house for a domestic dispute. Police spoke to a woman, who was covering a finger with tissue paper. Police observed a small amount of blood on the finger. The woman said that while her and her live-in boyfriend were in an argument, she took his phone and refused to give it back. When her boyfriend attempted to grab the phone, her finger bent backwards and started to bleed. Police then spoke to the boyfriend, who told a similar story. The boyfriend then voluntarily left the house.

On April 28 at 1:15PM, while on patrol at Connemara Apartments, a man spoke to police about an issue he had with his neighbor. He said that the neighbor spray painted his car. The man said that he was able to get most the paint off of his car. He also said that he was not interested in pressing charges. He said that that neighbor has had issues with other neighbors before.

On April 28 at 3:25PM, a man said that while he was walking on the sidewalk, a woman, pulling out of a driveway, called him an asshole and flipped him off. Police spoke to that woman, who admitted to and apologized for the incident.

On April 29 at 1:21AM, police arrived at Knucklehead’s Bar for a report that a man had pulled out a firearm in the parking lot. Police spoke to a group of patrons, who said that the man who pulled out the firearm was the bartender’s boyfriend. They said the altercation started when the boyfriend went into the bar and later began argued with the bartender. He said that she told him to leave, an eventually he did. He then came back in. When he was told to leave, he showed the firearm. He then left, by speeding off in his truck. Police then spoke to the bartender. She said that that morning she broke up with her boyfriend, after an almost one-month relationship. While police were talking to her, the ex-boyfriend called several her several times, which she ignored each time. Police then went to the ex-boyfriend’s house. He denied having a firearm at the bar, but did admit to drinking. Police then searched his truck and found a Glock .380 caliber semi-automatic handgun. The man was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and improper handling of firearms in a motor vehicle. He was taken into custody and incarcerated at the Erie County Jail with no bond.

On April 29 at 11:54AM, police arrived at the Boulder Shores Condos for a theft. A woman said that the Jaguar emblem was stolen from her vehicle. She said that the theft took place sometime between April 25 to April 28. Police were unable to find any security cameras that might have captured the theft.

On April 30 at 9:00AM, police arrived at a Shearwater Court house for a golf cart inspection. After a $25 fee was paid, police inspected the vehicle. After meeting all of the requirements, the owner was issued a copy of the form and an inspection sticker was placed on the vehicle.

On April 30 at 3:00PM, police arrived at an Ohio Street house for a golf cart inspection. After a $25 fee was paid, police inspected the vehicle. After meeting all of the requirements, the owner was issued a copy of the form and an inspection sticker was placed on the vehicle.

On April 30 at 5:52PM, police and fire arrived at the BP gas station for a report that car had hit a gas pump. The car was found to of become disabled when it hit the pump. The driver said that she hit the pump while trying to avoid a parked car. No signs of leakage were found at the struck pump.

On April 30 at 8:05PM, a woman arrived at the station to report a scam. She said that she received an email telling her she needed to pay $399. The woman then called the number on the email. During the phone call, she gave access of her computer to the scammer. The scammer also asked for money several time throughout the call. Police told the woman to check her credit card statements and to possibly get her computer checked.

On May 1 at 11:34AM, police arrived at Concord Court house to assist the fire department. When police arrived, they found that they were not needed at the scene.

On May 1 at 8:29PM, police arrived at a Main Street house for a welfare check. A woman called police saying that her 7-year-old daughter said that her father left her home alone, while he went to get pizza. Police spoke to the father who said that he did leave his daughter at home while he went to get pizza; however, his mother was there. Police spoke to the girl, who said that she forgot her grandma was there when she called her mom. Police then spoke to the grandma, who said she was there the whole time, but did go outside to feed the chickens. Police lastly called the mother back to say that her daughter was never left home alone.