
Ice rink under consideration for Huron

Huron, OH – Huron could see a new attraction for the winter of 2021-2022.

At the Huron Joint Recreation District Board meeting on March 2, 2021, there was discussion about getting an ice rink.

The different types of rink being evaluated. The first type is a standard ice rink is at a lesser cost, around $5,000 – $10,000; but it’s highly dependent on the weather. Huron Parks & Recreation Operations Manager Doug Steinwart noted the City previously attempted the use of a standard ice rink years ago, but mild weather for two consecutive winters made it relatively unusable. The second is a synthetic ice rink is more expensive, costing around $20,000 – $30,000; but it can be used in all types of weather. The Parks Department will seek grants to offset the cost of the rink.

If the Board moves forward on getting a rink, there are two potential locations for it. They are the Boat Basin or Fabens Park. The Boat Basin would allow the rink to accompanied with other activities such as Winter Fest; however, there may be an additional cost for a rink at the Boat Basin in readying the site for a rink. The second location is the new shelter at Fabens Park. It would be well suited for a skating rink, but it is further away from the business district of Huron.  

The Parks & Recreation Department says they will continue to gather more information on the skating rink and provide an update to the Board.

Also at the meeting, the Park & Recreation department said they are still in discussion with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources about constructing a public fish cleaning station at the Boat Ramp. If this project is approved by ODNR and the City, construction would start in 2022.

It was also announced that the 2021 Amphitheater Event Schedule is booked; however, the Board will not be advertising it until COVID-19 guidance is provided by Governor Mike DeWine.Once Governor DeWine issues this guidance, the Parks Department will determine if and how the planned events can take place. It was noted that the Huron Rotary Fine Arts & Food Festival was cancelled for 2021.