Crime & SafetyNews

Man arrested for attempted burglary, threatening police officer

SANDUSKY – Carmine Glorioso, 37, of Sandusky, was arrested and charged with two felonies on March 5 after he allegedly attempted to break into an house and then threatened a police officer.

According to a report from the Sandusky Police Department, police responded to a Cowdery Street house after a 911 call reported that Glorioso was attempting to break down the door.

When police arrived, according to the report, they found Glorioso outside the house. According to the report, he told police that he was assaulted by a man. He claimed, according to the report, that the incident occurred when he was inside drinking and made jokes about the man’s deceased child. The report states that police noticed several scratches on the man.

The complainant claimed, according to the report, that she had just returned home when Clorioso, who was her “on again and off again” boyfriend, came to her house intoxicated. She claimed, according to the report, that he tried to start a fight with several of her friends who were visiting from out-of-town and they had to drag him out of the house. According to the report, she said that he then attempted to break down the front door and her and a friend had to hold the door closed. The report states that the wood on the door frame was split and dents with footprints were on the bottom part of the door.

Police then arrested Clorioso, who, according to the report, was intoxicated. When police searched him, according to the report, they found marijuana in his rear right pocket. When police attempted to put Clorioso into a cruiser, according to the report, he resisted. Once police forcibly placed into the cruiser and started driving him to the Erie County Jail, according to the report, he told an officer, “I’m going to kill you, I’m going to kill you motherf***er.”

Glorioso was charged with attempted burglary (F5), criminal damaging (M2), resisting arrest (M2), and retaliation (F3).