Crime & SafetyNews

Table, TV reportedly thrown from hotel balcony

SANDUSKY – Police found that a table and TV had been thrown off a balcony on the Magnuson Hotel early Wednesday morning.

According to a report from the Sandusky Police Department, police first responded to the hotel for a report of glass breaking in the lobby. The caller, who was staying on the first floor, said that he did not wish to speak to police. When police arrived at the hotel, they could not hear a disturbance or locate anything. They then left.

About 20 minutes later, according to the report, police returned to the hotel for a report that a table and TV had been thrown off a balcony. Police met the caller, who brought them to the northeast corner of the second-floor. Police found the table and TV broken on the ground. They also found broken glass in the hallway. This scene was on the second-floor and the opposite side of where the first caller was calling from.

According to the report, the second caller told police that he was in his room and heard sound of something being dragged outside. He told police that, shortly after, he heard someone pounding on his door and, when his went to his door a few second later, there was no one there. He told police that little while after is when he saw the TV and table broken on the ground below.

The caller showed police, according to the report, to another second-floor room, which he said belonged to a man that was recently fired. He told police that he did not know who the man was. In the room, police found empty spots for a TV and a table. Police could not find anyone in the room.

After police searched the room, according to the report, police found a door on the far southwest side of the hotel that had been damaged. The door appeared to have been hit from the inside of the hotel.

The report states that police would attempt to contact the manager in the morning.

No one had been charged by the time the report was filed. If someone were to be charged, according to the report, they would be charged with Criminal Damaging/Endangering (M1).