
Fundraiser created for children of Trinidy Jones

SANDUSKY – A fundraiser has been created for the children of Trinidy Jones, Ka’Oir and Kairo.

Jones, 24, was murdered in her house on January 5. Tevin Latin, 21, of Sandusky, has been charged with her murder.

After Jones was murdered, according to the fundraiser, Jones’ children were left alone in the house with her deceased body, until Jones’ mother went to check on her later that afternoon.

“This unexpected death has created a shock wave across the community with learning of the brutality of the situation against a young mom who was a person with a beautiful spirit and lived to LOVE & take care of her 2 babies. Trinidy had a caring & giving heart & always stayed out the way & never in any trouble,” Jones’ godmother Kathy Pace wrote in the description of the fundraiser. “Trinidy’s death at the hands of an noncaring & evil individual has left 2 young babies without a mom. The hardship that comes as a result of unexpected deaths such as this creates challenges that MAY arise for loved ones who will take on the care & financial obligations for Trinidy’s 2 beautiful babies.”

According to Pace, the money donated will “go to Trinidy’s mom to help with burial expenses and to assist with the care of Trinidy’s 2 beautiful babies.”

The fundraiser can be foundĀ on GoFundMe. As of Thursday evening, it had raised $12,560.