
Huron City Council elects Tapp as mayor, Claus as vice mayor

HURON – At a special Huron City Council Organizational Meeting, held on Wednesday, recently elected council members were sworn-in, and a new mayor and vice mayor were elected.

Sam Artino, William Biddlecombe, Joe Dike, and Matt Grieves were all sworn-in for a four-year term. This will be Biddlecombe’s and Grieves’s first term on Huron City Council. Christine Crawford and Trey Hardy did not run for reelection.

After the new members were sworn in, council voted 7-0 to elect Monty Tapp as mayor. Tapp has been on council since 2019 and has served as vice mayor since then.

Before the vote, Artino, who had served as mayor from 2019 to 2021, said, “I appreciate the time council has given me to serve as mayor. I’ve always felt that it should not be a position that monopolized, mayor or vice mayor. So therefore, I will not accept or stand for any nomination for election to mayor. I would like to pass it on.”

After Tapp was sworn-in, council voted 7-0 to elect Mark Claus was vice mayor. Like Tapp, Claus has served on council since 2019.

If there are no resignations, there should be no changes to the setup of council until 2023.