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A recap of the Huron Board of Education candidates at the candidates’ forum

HURON – The Huron Chamber of Commerce and Huron Public Library held a forum for the Huron City Council, Huron Township Board of Trustees, and Huron Board of Education candidates, along with the Huron City Schools Levy Committee Wednesday evening.

Below is a recap of the Huron Board of Education candidates at the forum.

The Huron Board of Education candidates are John C. Adams, Sherry Catri, Stacey Hartley, Ryan Hathaway, Stacy Hinners, Kimberly King, Elizabeth Laffay, and Andra Kurtz.

The first question was, “Will you publicly state right now that you will protect and support all students of LGBTQ and student body, if elected? If yes, how? If not, why not?” All candidates said that they would support equal rights to LGBTQ. Laffay said that the district “already has policies in place to promote kindness and respect and character development.” Hinners said that the school needs to make sure it is in compliance with state and federal laws. Hartley said, “Discrimination is wrong. Discrimination is illegal, and that’s how we end up in Title IX suits.”

The next question asked if Adams, Hathaway, and Laffay are “a united team or independent of each other.” Hathaway said that they are “independent” but are “running as a slate.” Adams said, “We are independent, and I would imagine there’ll be times that we disagree and wonder why we disagree. But that’s because there are different viewpoints. And that’s the beauty of individuality.” Laffay said, “We have similar ideals, but we are individuals.” Adams and Laffay both said that they have decided to run together since they decided to run.

Next question asked how the candidates would vote on the levy. Adams, Hathaway, King, Kurtz, and Laffay said that they would vote yes. Catri, Hartley, and Hinners said that they would vote no. Back in August, Huron Insider asked all the candidates how they would vote. Back then, only King, Hartley and Hinners gave an answer, while the others that they hadn’t made up their minds.

A later question asked the candidates who said that they would vote no, why they would vote no. Catri said that she believes that the district needs money, but wants to wait until the new superintendent and treasurer is in. Hinners said that she believes that the 5.6 million dollars asked for in the levy “is the wrong ask for the wrong time for our community.” Hinners also said that she would support a levy that would be at a lesser amount. Hartley also said that she believes that the levy is asking too much.

A question asked Hinners, “During the past levy, you were a vocal opponent of it. If the new treasurer recommends a levy, will you take their professional advice or campaign against it?” Hinners said that “it would depend on what they recommend.”

A question asked if a ConAgra developer should get a TIF. All of the candidates, but Adams and Hinners, said that it would depend. Adams said that he would not be in-favor of an abatement, but would be in-favor of a TIF. Hinners said, “We have schools that are in shambles right now. We have kids that don’t have air conditioning. Do I think money that should be going to the schools should go to an entertainment project? At this point, no. I think we need to take care of our school facilities first.”

A question asked, “Will you vote on eliminating teacher’s jobs, when the times come. And if so, what do you view as expendable and why?” Hathaway said that he would cut newest hires and arts. Catri said that she would not fill positions when people retire and put incentives out when people retire. King said that she would eliminate positions that are “least impactful to the children.” Kurtz said that she agreed with King’s statement. Hartley said that she believes that the district won’t get to a point when they need to cut positions. Laffay said that “would hope” that the district won’t get to a point where district needs to cut jobs. Hinners said that she believes the district can “collaborate” with the teacher’s union, in-order not cut teachers. Adams said that he believes that it would be new superintendent’s job to cut teacher’s positions.

A question asked “What is your stance on childhood vaccination for all school-aged children?” All of the candidates said that they believe that the choice to get children vaccinated should be left up to parents.

For candidates who do not support universal masking, what you justification for support policies that may exclude vulnerable children from school?” Kurtz, King, and Hartley said that they support universal masking. Adams and Hathaway said that making should be up to parents. Hinners said that the school should consider the Americans with Disability Act when dealing with a child with a disability, but said that it should be a “case-by-case basis.” Laffay said that, “Masking every child in a room on behalf on one is not a solution.” Laffay said that there a virtual options for children who are unable to come to school. Catri said that “you never know what is going to happen in the future.”

A question asked, “What concepts of Critical Race Theory do you object to, if any?” King said, “We should trust the people that we have hired into their positions. We have a curriculum director for that, and I would trust that she would evaluate things for us. And there’s also state standards that we have to follow. So, if it comes down to it, we would have to follow what the state standards are and figure out how to implement that.” Kurtz said that she does not support “inflammatory content” and that she believes that parents “take ownership” in their child’s education. Hartley said that she agrees with a statement from Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost that says it is wrong to implement anything that discriminates against students. Laffay says that she objects to the concept behind Critical Race Theory. Hinners said that Critical Race Theory means different thing to different people and that she is against “making one group of kids feel bad about how they were born verses another.” Adams said that he disagrees with “equity vs equality.” Hathaway said that Critical Race Theory is a form of discrimination and that Critical Race Theory is in Ohio. Catri said that she believes Critical Race Theory does not have a place in public schools.

A question was directly to Adams, who is the head pastor at New Life Church in Sandusky. It asked, “If elected, how will you respect separation of church and state, and will you promise not to push curriculum in public schools?” Adams responded by saying, “Not sure what curriculum you are talking about. But to answer that question directly, most important thing anybody could do, would be to talk to the folks I work with, Sheriff Sigsworth, you can talk to the police chiefs, the folks that I work with, and you can ask them if I push anything but equality and working with every single person on a department in a lot of diversity. So, I would challenge you to ask those that I work with.”

A question asked Hathaway, “I think it is publicly known that you were at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, protesting the outcome of the election. Now running for public office, will you honor the results of this election?” Hathaway admitted that he was at the Capitol on January 6, but said that he only went there with a group of people to “observe what went on.” He did say that he would honor the result of the election.

A question asked, “Will you be willing to quiet you online presence to better reflect the school district?” Hartley said that she would communicate to people, but that she would follow a code of ethics and debate instead in board meetings. Hinners said that she “would not tell a different then what is actually happening” and that “the lack of honest feedback” is causing the public distrust of the district. Adams said that he would “overcommunicate things that up-lift our community.” Hathaway said that he would “continue a social media presence.” Catri said that she would not speak out against local government, if elected. Laffay, King, and Kurtz said that they would not speak on this issue.

You can watch the full candidates forum below.