
City council votes to keep bike late

HURON – Huron City Council voted unanimously Tuesday on a motion to approve the final striping plan for the bike lanes on US6.

One man spoke during public comment against the bike lane. He suggested that the city widen the sidewalk in the bike lane’s place. He said that not just bikes could use a sidewalk, but also joggers, walkers, and wheelchairs. He also said that while he feels comformate riding his bike on the road, he doesn’t feel that an eight-year-old should. Mayor Sam Artino later responded to the man’s concerns, saying “Some of the suggestions that were made about a different type of a lane set off on the sides of the road, that was all discussed, and this was best solution.”

Another man spoke at the meeting about the bike lanes. He gave support, saying that other communities have bike lanes.

Besides Mayor Artino’s comment, council had no discussion on the motion at the meeting.