
Police Blotter for the week of May 30

HURON – Below is a summary of Huron Police reports from between May 30 to June 5.

On May 30 at 10:00AM, a woman arrived at the station and provided a judgment entry from the Erie County Probate Court. The order described a list of items that she was supposed to retrieve from a Berlin Road apartment. The items belong to the woman’s father. The order allowed permission for the woman to have access to the apartment to retrieve the items. Police and the woman then went to the apartment. They were unable to gain access to the apartment.

On May 30 at 10:01AM, a man arrived at the station to turn in a wallet he found at the entranceway to Harbor North. The wallet contained a driver’s license, a University ID, three debit cards, an insurance card, and miscellaneous restaurant cards. Police then contacted the man’s insurance carrier about the wallet. They contacted the wallet’s owner, who later went to the station to pick it up.

On May 30 at 6:45PM, police arrived at the westbound side of SR2 near the Rye Beach exit for a disable vehicle. Police found the vehicle siting stationary on the shoulder. The driver said that while he was driving, the vehicle began shaking. He then pulled over, and, when he did, the wheel fell off. Police found the wheel laying against a guardrail. It did not create a hazard. Police remained on scene while the vehicle was towed by Triple J Towing.

On May 30 at 7:02PM, police arrived at a Mudbrook Road house for a found dog. Police spoke with a man who said he found a grayish brown pit bull with a blue bandanna around its neck. Police were unable to find anyone nearby who was looking for a dog. Police then took the dog to the station. A man who said the dog was his later arrived at the station. He said that the dog escaped his property on Huron Avery road. The dog was turned over to him.

On May 31 at 11:15AM, a man arrived at the police station for a golf cart inspection. After a $25 fee was paid, police inspected the vehicle. After meeting all of the requirements, the owner was issued a copy of the form and an inspection sticker was placed on the vehicle.

On May 31 at 1:43PM, police arrived at Orangewood Drive house for a report of a baby in a locked car. Police unlocked the vehicle.

On May 31 at 1:45PM, police arrived at Lakeshore Laundromat for a troubled subject. Police spoke to the complainant. He said that a woman came into the laundromat and asked people for money. He was also able to provide a description of the woman. As a result, police were able to the woman. She said that she was asking for money so she could buy food from the Huron Market. She also said that she did not mean to cause any type of alarm.

On May 31 at 3:10PM, a man arrived at the station to turn in a copy of a money order for $33.00, that he found on a Williams Street sidewalk. Police then contacted the man whom the money order was issued to. He said the money order was only a copy and he requested that it would be destroyed. The document was later destroyed.

On May 31 at 5:49PM, police, fire, and boat patrol began to travel to a Cleveland Road shore club for a possible capsized boat. While they were in-route, it was reported that it may have been a jet ski that flipped. When police arrived, all they found was a jet ski sitting up right. Police, fire, and boat patrol then returned to service.

On May 31 at 5:56PM, a man arrived at the station to report telecommunications harassment. He said that a woman who he had a brief relationship with had been harassing him with phone calls and text

messages. Police contacted the woman and told her not to contact him. When they did, she made similar allegations against him. Police told her to contact Avon Lake Police.

On May 31 at 6:46PM, police arrived at Nickel Plate Beach for a vehicle lockout. Police were able to unlock the vehicle.

On May 31 at 9:52PM, police arrived at a Cleveland Road apartment for a fight in progress. Police spoke to a man and a woman. The man was covered in grass stains. He said that when he left the apartment, an unknown individual punched him in the face and said a racial slur. The woman said that the man had abruptly ran out of the apartment, after he had been drinking all day. Police then spoke with a few other people who were in the general area. They all said they heard the yelling but didn’t see an actual altercation.

On May 31 at 11:28PM, Fremont Police reported that they had a woman who had a warrant from Huron Municipal Court in-custody. The woman was unable to post bond and was transported to the Erie County Jail.

On June 1 at 1:43AM, police and squad arrived at a Berlin Road house for a person who had fallen.

On June 1 at 10:58AM, police arrived at US6 for a traffic crash. They found that vehicle #2 was east bound on US6 attempting a right, south bound, turn onto SR13. Vehicle #1 was east bound on US6 behind vehicle #2 traveling in the bike lane. During the turn, vehicle #1 struck vehicle #2 in the left front passenger side with Unit #1’s left front corner. Vehicle #2’s driver was issued citations for bike lane violation and for driving on a temporary permit with no licensed driver in the vehicle.

On June 1 at 12:35PM, a man arrived at the police station for a golf cart inspection. After a $25 fee was paid, police inspected the vehicle. After meeting all of the requirements, the owner was issued a copy of the form and an inspection sticker was placed on the vehicle.

On June 1 at 2:00PM, police arrived at Thunderbird Hills Golf Course to speak with a woman. The woman said that her daughter was supposed to be going to Vermilion to get a dog, but was not answering her phone. Police then went to Krebs Cove, where the daughter’s phone was. They found her in the parking lot. She said that she left her phone in the car, while she was getting the dog.

On June 1 at 4:15PM, a woman arrived at the police station for a golf cart inspection. After a $25 fee was paid, police inspected the vehicle. After meeting all of the requirements, the owner was issued a copy of the form and an inspection sticker was placed on the vehicle.

On June 1 at 5:44PM, a man arrived at the police station to turn himself in for warrants he had through Sandusky Police. He was placed into custody and turned over to Sandusky Police.

On June 1 at 7:26PM, police arrived at Rye Beach Road and Cleveland Road West for an injury accident. Police assisted with traffic.

On June 1 at 8:10PM, a woman called police to say she doesn’t want a man at her residence. Police called the man and told him to stay away from her residence.

On June 2 at 8:56AM, police arrived at a Cleveland Road apartment for a vehicle lockout. Police were able to unlock the vehicle.

On June 2 at 10:45AM, a man arrived at the station to report telecommunications harassment. He said that on May 19, a client called him and told him that she was going to burn his house down, with him inside it. He also said that she said that her husband was going to hunt him down and kill him. Police asked the man why he didn’t report the threat sooner. He said that he was out of town and busy with other jobsites. Police then spoke to the client. She denied making the threats. She said that the man had done damage to her property and had not paid her back. She was told not to contact him. She was also referred to the Sandusky Police Department and Sandusky Municipal court regarding the process for filing a small claim.

On June 2 at 2:30PM, the Huron County Jail reported that they had a man in custody who had a warrant issued by Huron Municipal Court. The man was later transported to the Erie County Jail.

On June 2 at 3:20PM, police arrived at SR2 for a traffic crash. Police found that, vehicle #2 was west bound on the SR2 west bound off ramp and stopped for the traffic light at the intersection of Rye Beach Road. Vehicle #1 was directly behind vehicle #2. Vehicle #2 then proceeded forward and stopped again to obtain a better view of north bound Rye Beach Road traffic before turning. Vehicle #1 did not see vehicle #2 stop again and struck vehicle #2 in the driver’s rear corner.

On June 2 at 6:30PM, police arrived at a Tecumseh Place house for an alarm. After being unable to contact the homeowner at the house, police searched the perimeter of the house and found it to be secure.

On June 2 at 7:45PM, a man arrived at the police station to turn in property. He said the items fell out of a truck that was heading into the City of Huron. The items were a Voyager tool bag filled with ratchet straps, jumper cables, a reese hitch, D-ring shackle and two tow straps. The items were later claimed.

On June 3 at 11:35AM, a woman arrived at the police station to report a theft. She said that two diamond stud earrings were missing from an Alvin Jeweler box at her home. She said that her ex-husband said he paid between $1,500 and $1,800 dollars for them in 2009. She said that jewelry was covered under her homeowner insurance. When asked if she suspected anyone in the theft, she said that she thinks it might have been her ex-boyfriend. She said that she has no evidence of this; however, in March, he gave his ex-girlfriend similar looking earrings. Police referred her to the North Ridgeville Police Department to file a Receiving Stolen Property complaint.

On June 3 at 2:31PM, police arrived at Lakefront Park for a dog at large. When police arrived, they were told that the dog’s owner had been contacted, with the phone number on the dog’s collar. The owner’s son and his babysitter soon arrived and picked up the dog.

On June 3 at 4:23PM, police arrived at a Main Street house for a welfare check. The complainant said that his sister was not answering calls. When police arrived at the house, they were unable to make contact with her. They were able to talk to her by phone. She said that she was fine and was shopping.

On June 3 at 7:25PM, police arrived at a Mudbrook Road house for a neighbor dispute. Police spoke to a woman who said that her neighbor had destroyed the flowers in the front of her property. She showed police where the flowers had been mowed over. Police said the damage would need to be further invested, due to it being in the right of way. Another neighbor came over and said that that neighbor had also moved over a small portion of her property. The neighbor then shouted out his door, “this is a civil matter.” Police then went over to that house, and spoke with the neighbor’s dad. He said that his son was sleeping and had been experiencing mood changes, due to a concussion. While they were talking, police spotted the neighbor walking down a hallway with what appeared to be a black handgun. Police then went to a detached garage. The father continued to talk about his son’s medical conditions. While they were talking, the neighbor opened an upstairs windows and began talking. He denied having a handgun and continued to say that it was a civil matter. Police then informed the complainant and the other neighbor whose lawn was mowed over information on filling a protection order.

On June 3 at 10:05PM, a woman arrived at the station to report a suspicious vehicle driving between Ace Hardware and Rainbow Chinese Restaurant. She said that the driver of the vehicle had taken six to seven bundles of firewood from the pallets located between the two companies. The woman said she did not know if the driver was allowed to take the pallets, but just wanted to file a report in case of threat.

On June 3 at 11:00PM, Sandusky Police reported they had a man in custody who had a warrant through Huron Municipal Court.

On June 4 at 7:33AM, police arrived at Romeo’s Pizza for alarms. They spoke with a man who said he was making a delivery. The man said he did not have the proper pass code. He did show delivery documents.

On June 4 at 8:47AM, Lorain Police reported that they were out with a man who had a warrant through Huron Municipal Court. The man was transported to the Huron Police station, where he posted his bond. He was then released.

On June 4 at 11:35AM, a man arrived at the police station for a golf cart inspection. After a $25 fee was paid, police inspected the vehicle. After meeting all of the requirements, the owner was issued a copy of the form and an inspection sticker was placed on the vehicle

On June 4 at 12:45PM, police arrived at Berlin Road for a low-hanging utility line. The low-hanging line was found to be a coaxial cable. Police placed traffic cones and contacted Buckeye Broadband.

On June 4 at 5:52PM, police arrived at SR2 for a traffic crash. They found that while vehicle #1 was stopped west bound on the SR2 ramp to Rye Beach Rd, vehicle #2 was driving west bound on the SR2 ramp to Rye Beach road and struck vehicle #1.

On June 4 at 6:49PM, police arrived at the Rye Beach Road Shell/Hy-Miler for a welfare check. When police arrived, they were directed to a woman in a chair. The woman appeared to be lethargic and at rest but was immediately responsive. She was able to give police her name and phone number. She said that she was at the gas station with a friend. She pointed to the friend in the truck. Police spoke to him, and he agreed to take responsibility for her.

On June 4 at 7:06PM, police arrived at the west side construction area of Mucci Farms for an individual who fell off a scissor lift. When police arrived, the individual was already being cared to by the Huron Fire Department. Some of the workers said that the individual was walking backwards on the lift and slipped off the back.

On June 4 at 9:21PM, police arrived at a Middle Avenue house for an unwanted guest. A woman said that the man was recently fired from working on the property and was now refusing to leave. Police then spoke to the homeowner by phone. He said that he wanted the man to be off the property. Police then spoke to the man, via Google Translate. He agreed to leave the house.

On June 5 at 1:30AM, police arrived at the Berlin Road Mobil/for an alarm. The building was checked and found to be secure.

On June 5 at 10:48AM, police arrived at Main Street and US6 for a man yelling and traffic and holding a bottle of whiskey. Police spoke to the man. He said he was homeless and was walking to the Detroit area. Police could not find any active wants and warrants using his identification number. Police then took the man to the west city limits and told him that US6 would take him west and US 23 would take him north.

On June 5 at 2:27PM, police arrived at Nickel Plate Beach for a vehicle lockout. They were able to unlock the vehicle.

On June 5 at 3:02PM, police arrived at Harbor North Marina for a vehicle lockout. They were able to unlock the vehicle.

On June 5 at 4:18PM, police arrived at an Atwood Place house for a parking violation. Police found the vehicle parked in front of a “no parking” sign. They issued citations for each vehicle. They spoke to the people in the house. They said that they were at a wedding party and didn’t see the sign. The house was found to be a transient rental property. Police then advised the homeowner/site manager of the complaint.

On June 5 at 6:44PM, police arrived at a Lakeway Drive house for an alarm. Police found a door slightly open. They then searched the house. When police were done searching the house, the were approached by a woman. She said that the house was her parents’ and that she had recently exited the door that was open.

Information in the police blotter is from Huron Police reports. Police reports can be viewed on the city’s website.