Election 2021NewsPolitics

Survey created about Huron City Schools tax levy

HURON – A Huron resident has created a survey for Huron residents, regarding the failed May 2020 Huron City Schools tax levy. In the May election, 1,408 of the 1,920 voters voted against the levy.

The survey includes questions about why the surveyee voted or didn’t vote, and, if they voted, why they voted the way the did.

Stacey Hartley, the survey’s creator, wrote on the Talk of Huron Ohio Facebook group, “All current Huron residents are welcome to complete the survey, whether or not you voted in the May 4 Special Election. I tried to include selections that I’m frequently hearing discussed in person, or had seen discussed online among community members. There is also the option to write in your thoughts and reasons for voting for or against, and what you’d consider if the levy comes up again.”

Hartey said that the results from the survey will be sent to school board and other elected officials.

The survey can be found here.