
Police Blotter for the week of May 16

HURON – Below is a summary of Huron Police reports from between May 16 to May 22.

On May 16 at 8:31PM, police arrived at a Deerwood Road house for a verbal domestic. Police spoke to a woman who said her boyfriend and her go into an argument. She said that there was pushing and shoving in the argument. She said that she only wanted her boyfriend to leave the house. She said that he had called a friend to pick him up. When the friend arrived at the house, the boyfriend yelled at the woman about calling the police. The friend then escorted him to the car.

On May 16 at 4:00PM, police arrived at a Linden Drive house for a woman who was not breathing. Police found that the woman was turned on her side by her daughter. She was breathing but unresponsive. The woman was taken to Firelands Regional Medical Center by Huron Fire.

On May 16 at 4:42PM, police arrived at a Maple Avenue house for an animal complaint. A woman said that there was a raccoon on the other side of the street that appeared to be in distress and unable to move Police found the raccoon and noticed it was hardly breathing and unable to move. Police then euthanized the raccoon using one round from a  service pistol. The raccoon’s body was then discarded.

On May 17 at 12:37PM, police arrived at a Linden Drive house for a welfare check. North Port Education, the complainant, said that a boy who lives at the house hasn’t been at school since April 13. They said that they had also not heard from the boy or his parents. Police spoke to the boy’s mother. She said that she had spoke with North Point Education. She said that she kept her son home until all COVID-19 vaccinations are complete. Police then spoke to the boy. The boy, who is autistic, came to the door and appeared to be fine. He was unable to answer question verbally; however, his mother said that that is normal for him.

On May 17 at 5:20PM, police arrived at a Creekside Drive apartment for a civil standby. A man requested allow his son to pick up his belongings from his mother’s house. Police contacted the mother, who after a conversation with police, agreed to let her son pick up his belongings. The boy was able to pick up his belongings, without incident.

On May 17 at 6:02PM, police arrived at a Wexford Drive house for a dog barking complaint. When police arrived, they didn’t hear any dogs barking. They did see a man who was in his front yard with multiple dogs. Police advised the man of the complaint and of the City’s dog barking ordinance.

On May 17 at 8:43PM, police arrived at a Cleveland Road parking lot for a vehicle lockout. Police were able to unlock the vehicle.

On May 18 at 12:06AM, police arrived at a Cleveland Road parking lot for a report that someone had “ripped the door off of a red jeep” and that the involved was in an apartment. When police arrived, they found no damage to the red jeep. Police then went to the apartment the involved were reported to be in. Police found the door to the apartment to be partially open. When they announced themselves, a man came to the door and said: ”everything is fine, go away”. Then man then locked the door. Police then attempted to make contact with the man again, but to no avail.

On May 18 at 9:51AM, police arrived at a Main Street house for a welfare check. A man had requested the check on his daughter. When police arrived, they found the woman on her front porch. She said that she was fine. She also asked the police tell her father to quit calling her at 2AM, to ask her to clip his dog’s toenails. Police then left and asked the father to not call his daughter in the early morning hours.

On May 18 at 11:28AM, police arrived at the Main Street Mobil gas station for a vehicle lockout. Police were able to unlock the vehicle.

On May 18 at 7:22PM, police arrived at a Main Street house for a report of an unwanted man. While police were driving to the house, dispatch advised that a woman, the complainant, was walking outside with a knife. When police arrived, they found the two arguing outside. The man first told police that the knives were on the ground. Police then secured the knives. The man then said that the woman had damaged his truck with a knife. Police told the man to leave and that they would talk to him later. After he left, police spoke with the woman. She said that she wanted the man, who is her step-father, to not contact her any more. She said that he has repeated called her; however, when police looked at her call logs, they found they she made multiple calls to him. They showed her how to block his number. When police asked what happened prior to their arrival, she said that the man tried to enter the house, and due to her not being able to hold the lock, she confronted him. She said that she did scratch the door of his truck, but only to make it a point for him to leave. Police then spoke to the man in the police department parking lot. Police told him not to contact the woman again. He agreed. He also said that he had received multiple calls from him, including in that morning. He said that he went to the house to check on her. He said that by movements on the door handle and by looking in the windows, he knew she was in the house. He said that when he went into his truck to leave, the woman exited the house and scratched his truck door, with a knife. While police were speaking to the man, dispatch reported that the woman reported that the man tried to contact her again. Police called her and told her that it was impossible for him to call her, due to them being in a car with him. The woman the hung up. Police forwarded the case to Adult Protective Services.

On May 19 at 2:50PM, police arrived at Ohio Street for a traffic crash. Police found that vehicle #2 was stopped, south bound, on Ohio Street in front of a driveway to allow a passenger to exit the vehicle. Vehicle #1 was in the same driveway facing west. Vehicle #1 backed out of the driveway and stuck vehicle #2.

On May 19 at 8:03PM, police arrived at a Berlin Road apartment for a welfare check. Neighbors said that the woman who lives in the apartment hearing and usually has her television’s volume high. They said that recently they haven’t heard anything. Police got a maintenance worker to open her apartment door. Police found the woman in the master bedroom. She said that she was fine.

On May 20 at 4:48AM, police arrived at a Firwood Road house for an unwanted guest. A woman said that her brother was causing a disturbance at her mother’s house. She said that he was drunk, disorderly, and off his meds. She also said that he is supposed to be at Firelands Regional Medical Center, for some mental health issues. Police contacted Firelands Regional Medical Center, who said that the man would need to be transported back to the hospital. The man later left the house, it does not state wither he returned to Firelands Regional Medical Center.

On May 20 at 7:55AM, police arrived at an Atwood Place house for a 911 call. It was determined that a boy had accidently hit an emergency call button on this dad’s phone.

On May 20 at 4:40PM, a woman arrived at the station to report that a woman yelled profanities at her daughter, while she was getting off of the bus. Police then spoke with the complainant’s daughter. She said that the woman, while she was in her vehicle, yelled at “get out of the f***ing way” at her, while she was trying to remove her sweatshirt in the parking lot. Police spoke to the woman who was accused of yelling the profanity. She said that there were two children were standing behind her vehicle, when she was trying to back out. The woman denied that using profanity at the children.

On May 20 at 4:57PM, police arrived at a Wheeler Drive house for a neighbor dispute. A man said that his neighbor’s river raft was wrongly secured to his break wall. The neighbor’s daughter then arrived at the house to speak with the man. She said that her father had dementia and  the river raft will be moved by the weekend. The man agreed to allowing a few days for the removal of the raft.

On May 20 at 10:19PM, police overserved a vehicle pull out of the BP gas station and head west on the east bound only road. The driver quickly made a U-turn. Police pulled the driver over. It was found that her license was suspended. The driver was issued traffic citation for a suspended license. She posted bond at the station.

On May 21 at 12:20PM, police arrived at Standard Street for a traffic crash. Police found that, while vehicle #1 was traveling west bound on Standard Street, vehicle #2 was traveling east bound on Standard Street. Vehicle #1 stopped at the stop sign and continued west bound. Vehicle #2 stopped at the stop sign and attempted to turn north bound on SR13. Vehicle #2 failed to yield while turning left and struck vehicle #1.

On May 21 at 1:50PM, police arrived at a South Court apartment to arrest a man who had a warrant from Huron Municipal Court. After going to the wrong apartment, police were able to arrest the man. He posted bond at the station and was then released.

On May 21 at 1:55PM, a police officer backed a cruiser into a standing concrete barrier. This resulted in a scratch and paint transfer to the rear driver side quarter panel behind the wheel well. OIC was notified of the incident and inspected the damage to the cruiser. The cruiser was then taken to Law Brothers Auto Body for an estimate.

On May 21 at 4:00PM, a man arrived at the police station for a golf cart inspection. After a $25 fee was paid, police inspected the vehicle. After meeting all of the requirements, the owner was issued a copy of the form and an inspection sticker was placed on the vehicle.

On May 21 at 5:49PM, police arrived at a Tiffin Avenue house for a report of a Ford Mustang spinning it’s tires. A man said that he observed the vehicle spin it’s tire multiple times. He also said that when he confronted the driver, he claimed that he had no idea what he was talking about. Police found the vehicle at Nickle Plate Beach. They were unable to find the driver.

On May 21 at 7:06PM, police found a golf cart on Tiffin Avenue that wasn’t not displaying an inspection sticker. Police pulled the cart over. The driver agreed to go to the station and have it inspected. After a $25 fee was paid, police inspected the vehicle. After meeting all of the requirements, the owner was issued a copy of the form and an inspection sticker was placed on the vehicle.

On May 21 at 7:41PM, police observed a vehicle driving above the speed limit on Tiffin Avenue. Police pulled the car over. Police observed two packs of Marlboro Menthol cigarettes in the car. The girl said that they were her mother’s. Police let then asked the girl to step out of the vehicle to discard of the cigarettes. Police then observed a small purple container and smelt a light odor of burnt marijuana. Police asked the girl what was in the container. She opened it, and the container contained Marijuana residue and marijuana stems. She was then asked if there was anything else located in the vehicle. She retrieved a glass smoking device used to smoke marijuana from the center console of the vehicle. A search of the vehicle found a purse in the back floorboard of the vehicle. The purse contained a grinder containing marijuana residue, a small jar with marijuana stems and residue, and multiple bags with variation in size and all containing green vegetation residue. Police then contacted the girl’s mother. She picked her, along with the car keys and cigarettes, up at the police station. Police did not file any charges.

On May 22 at 1:50AM, and Erie County Sheriff’s Office arrived at the station to run a Datamaster test on a woman, that he had arrested for OVI. The woman submitted a breath sample and registered a 0.197% BAC. The woman soon departed from the station.

On May 22 at 3:00PM, a man arrived at the police station for a golf cart inspection. After a $25 fee was paid, police inspected the vehicle. After meeting all of the requirements, the owner was issued a copy of the form and an inspection sticker was placed on the vehicle.

On May 22 at 4:00PM, a man arrived at the police station for a golf cart inspection. After a $25 fee was paid, police inspected the vehicle. After meeting all of the requirements, the owner was issued a copy of the form and an inspection sticker was placed on the vehicle.

Information in the police blotter is from Huron Police reports. Police reports can be viewed on the city’s website.