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Auditor of State sends cease and desist letter to Huron City Schools

HURON – Ohio Auditor of State Keith Faber sent a cease and desist letter to Huron City Schools Superintendent Dennis Muratori, Treasurer Randy Drewyor, and Board President Paul Ward on Thursday, April 22. The letter concerns the use of district resources and time for activities supporting the May 4th Huron City Schools tax levy.

The letter states, “Information we have been provided suggests that District officials and staff have been conducting pro-levy activities during business hours, filming pro-levy videos during business hours, using district emails and email distribution lists, and making references to the pro-levy committee’s social media platforms in a district newsletter, and using the District social media accounts to promote the pro-levy committee. This appears to be conduct which appears to support the levy and which is intended to influence the outcome of the upcoming election. We understand that the above described conduct and dissemination of information by the district to voters through these various platforms and email systems are maintained and paid for with district funds.”

Ohio Revised Code section 3315.07(C)(1) prohibits a board of education from using public funds to support a school levy or compensating any school district employee for time spent on any activity intended to influence the outcome of a levy. Faber previously explained that this means “you can’t use staff time, you can’t use equipment, you can’t use mailings, email accounts, property for signs, and all those things we see fairly regularly.”

The letter states that the Auditor’s office has not confirmed the allegations, but will review them in the next annual audit.

Huron Insider reached out to Muratori, Drewyor, the entire school board, and Citizens for Huron Schools for a comment regarding the cease and desist letter. None responded.