
Police Blotter for the week of March 7

Huron, OH – Below is a summary of Huron Police reports from between March 7, 2021 to March 13, 2021.

On March 7 at 3:10AM, police arrived at a house on Ridgeview Drive for a welfare check on a possibly suicidal subject. When police arrived the man, who was the subject, started apologizing and said he knew why police were there. He said the he and his girlfriend were arguing on the phone, and he said something he didn’t mean. When police called the girlfriend, she apologized for calling.

On March 7 at 8:01AM, police arrived at a house on Chevy Drive for a report of an alarm. The residence was checked and found to be secure.

On March 8 at 12:47AM, the Sandusky Police Department called and said they had a woman in custody on an outstanding bench warrant issued from the Huron Municipal Court. Sandusky Police transferred her to the Erie County Jail. She was later served with her copy of the warrant by a deputy sheriff.

On March 8 at 11:33AM, police arrived at the parking lot of the Rye Beach Shell/Hy-Miler for a report of a vehicle lockout. Police successfully unlocked the vehicle.

On March 8 at 1:37PM, police were advised that the Erie County Jail had a woman in custody on a warrant issued by Huron Municipal Court for contempt.

On March 8 at 2:30PM, the School Resource Officer was contacted by the Huron High School principal. He said that a student “jumped” and assaulted another student in front of the school. He also said that the student who was the accused of the attack was walking away from him walking west from the school. The officer found him by the walk-bridge. The officer asked what happened and he said, “he was talking crap so we got into a fight.” His brother who witnessed the incident said that they were both “talking crap” and ran toward each other and started fighting. Police took the student back to the school. The officer reviewed surveillance video and it showed that the student dropped his backpack by the flagpole, turned around and ran after the other student, tackled him to the ground and started throwing punches to his face and head area. The student was arrested for assault and transferred to the Erie County Juvenile Justice Center.

On March 8 at 4:00PM, police arrive at the Berlin Mobil gas station for the report of a skimming device on one of the gas pumps. The man told dispatch that he put his card in the skimming device so he could attempt to locate the individuals who placed it there. He continued and stated he wanted to set up a sting operation to catch the thieves. He also said that no money has been taken out of his account, and that police should meet him in person, because he might have been hacked. A short time later, the man’s father called the police department and said believes his son is having a change in mental status. He also requested information on how he could have his son admitted to the hospital involuntarily. He was also advised to contact this department should he feel that his son becomes a threat to himself or anyone around him.

On March 8 at 4:09PM, police arrived at the Kerbs Cove Apartments for a report of a possible harassment complaint between two women. The first woman said that the husband of the second woman was giving her dirty looks, while she was waiting for her daughter to get off the bus. She then stated that CPS was called on the second woman, and that she is worried that the couple would somehow retaliate against her. She also stated that the second woman has previously attempted to hit her van. Police then spoke to the couple. The man said he did not give a dirty look while waiting in the parking lot for their children to get off the bus. He also said that the woman did attempt to argue with him by making comments like “take a photo it will last longer”. The second woman said she did pull in to the parking lot rather fast, as she was in a hurry to talk to her husband. She continued by stating in no way did she try to hit the woman’s van, as there are several parking spaces between the cars. She also said that she contacted CPS on the first woman, due to her calling CPS on her. All parties were advised to have no further contact with one another, they were also advised if officers had to return it could result in citations or an arrest.

On March 9 at 2:05AM, police arrived at the Huron Public Library for a report of an alarm. The exterior of the building was checked and found to be secure.

On March 9 at 5:27AM, police responded to a house on Ridgeview Avenue for a report of a domestic dispute. Police were advised for the incident after a 911 emergency call from a male identifying himself who stated that he wanted to pursue child endangerment charges against his mother who was watching his daughter while intoxicated. A call was then received from a woman who stated that her son was “off this rocker”, intoxicated, and had mental issues. When police arrived, we were met at the door by the woman who stated that she has been arguing with her son over issues with watching his daughter, at the residence at the time, for several hours . Neither stated the argument was physical at any time. The man eventually voluntarily left the residence on foot stating that he was meeting his ride. Around 06:03AM, the called the police again stating that her son returned and there was a problem. When police returned, they found that she voluntarily allowed her son back inside to gather some personal items and another argument ensued. Before police arrived, her son collected his personal items and left the area. The woman told him not to return to her house.

On March 9 at 11:17AM, police arrived at an apartment on Berlin Road for a standby request. A man stated he was helping his daughter move personal belongings out of her partner’s apartment, when her partner arrived appearing upset about the situation. He further added that they have had issues in the past and wished for an officer to be present while his daughter retrieved her personal belongings. The partner stated that he did not want the complement in the apartment; however, he agreed to the standby.

On March 9 at 11:43AM, police arrived at an apartment on Berlin Road for a report of a psychiatric situation. A man reported that his adult son was being aggressive with him. When police arrived, the man said that his has become unpredictable in his behavior and was talking about things that aren’t real. When police spoke to the son, he told them that his first amendment rights were being violated by the constant train traffic behind his apartment. He also began discussing parallel universes and how the simulation resets your life when you die. He also demanded a meeting with the president of this country because he had a way to solve the world’s problems. Police then asked him if he was feeling alright or having any thoughts of harming himself. He advised that he was fine. He also said that he was previously hospitalized after a suicide attempt. When asked, he said that he would voluntarily go to the hospital to speak with a mental health professional. Police then requested an ambulance respond to the apartment He was transported to Firelands Regional Medical Center.

On March 9 at 4:15PM, police arrived at a parking lot of a Berlin Road apartment complex for a report of a lockout. Police were able to successfully unlock the vehicle.

On March 9 at 6:15PM, a man came to the Huron Police Department to report an identity theft. He was notified that a fraudulent claim for Unemployment Insurance Benefits was filed, even though he did not file any such claim and is still employed. He said that his employer requested that he file a report.

On March 10 at 9:30AM, police arrived at a house on Portland Drive for a golf cart inspection. After a $25 fee was paid, police inspected the vehicle. After meeting all of the requirements, the owner was issued the white copy of the form and an inspection sticker was placed on the vehicle.

On March 10 at 5:07AM, police responded to a house on Bogart Road for a report of a dog that had run across the street from a neighbor’s house. Police found a man’s name on the dog’s license. Police contacted him. He said the dog belonged to his ex-wife, and that he would contact her.

On March 10 at 12:40PM, police responded to Lakeshore Laundry for a possible physical domestic. The complement advised dispatch that a man was screaming at a woman and adding that it may have turned physical. When police arrived, they heard a man yelling inside. Police made contact with a man and a woman. The man said he was yelling, but that it didn’t turn physical. He said that the two were dating. Police then took him outside. They then spoke to the woman. She said that the man was screaming at her and became even more upset and threw her wallet at her. Police were able to confirm this on surveillance video. The man was charged with disorderly conduct.

On March 10 at 2:40PM, police arrived at a single vehicle traffic crash on Poplar Street. Police were also advised that the driver may be under the influence. When police arrived, they saw three people next to the vehicle. A woman stated that she was walking back to her mother’s house and heard a vehicle coming towards her. She stated that she witnessed the vehicle start to lose control while turning north onto Poplar Street from Lake Avenue then travel off the roadway before almost striking her and eventually coming to a stop. A man stated that he was checking his mail when he witnessed a vehicle turn northbound onto Poplar Street from Lake Avenue at a high rate of speed. As the vehicle passed him, he yelled at the driver to slow down as he could see his window was halfway down. He started to walk towards where the car was heading and heard a female scream. Police then made contact with the driver who stated that he was joyriding his vehicle and was going 35 MPH down Poplar Street. His speech was lethargic, he had pinpoint pupils and was unable to stand on his own. He asked what city he was in to officers multiple times and was told the city of Huron. Field sobriety tests were conducted on scene. After concluding the field sobriety tests, he was placed under arrest for OVI. Multiple marijuana products were found inside the center console of the vehicle. While he was being driven to and at the police station, he continued to ask where he was. One time when he was told he was in the city of Huron, he said, “Oh I am in Huron County. Ok.” After he signed a recognizance bond pending his initial appearance, he was released to his mother.

On March 10 at 5:07PM, police responded to a house on Bogart Road for a report of a dog that had run across the street from a neighbor’s house. Police found a man’s name on the dog’s license. Police contacted him. He said the dog belonged to his ex-wife, and that he would contact her.

On March 11 at 10:35AM, police were advised that the Ohio State Highway Patrol had a woman who was showing an active bench warrant through the Huron Municipal Court with no bond. She was transported to the Erie County Jail.

On March 11 at 1:26PM, police arrived at Goodwill, because employees were having trouble with a customer. When police made contact with the customer, he was seated in his truck and said he knew police were probably there for him. He said he was inside the store with his child who was not wearing a mask. When an employee confronted him about it, he said that the child didn’t have to wear one, due to his age. Police told him the business could enforce their own rules, and he stated he understood.

On March 11 at 1:48PM, the School Resource Officer was contacted by the Huron High School principal in regards to a comment that a student made in the hallway in between classes. A teacher said that, while switching classes, a male student said, “shooter, get down”. The student was able to be identified through video. Several students were able to confirm that it was that student. The principal then removed the student from class. After he was read his Miranda Rights, he immediately admitted that he made the comment. He said that as a joke with his friends he yells something stupid in the hallway between 6th and 7th period. He also said that he had no intentions at all to commit a school shooting. His backpack was check and no weapons or anything to indicate that he wanted to or was planning a shooting was located.  He placed under arrest for inducing panic (F2) and transported to the Erie County Juvenile Justice Center.

On March 11 at 5:10PM, police arrived at Dairy Queen to assist the Huron Fire Department. There was a grease fire at the restaurant.

On March 11 at 6:37PM, police arrived at the Kerbs Cove Apartments for a civil standby with children services.

On March 11 at 6:59PM, police arrived at a house on Brunswick Drive for a found dog. A woman said she found the dog on Jeffries Road and it was almost hit by several vehicles. She was unable to contact the dog’s owner. Eventually, the Erie County dog warden picked up the dog.

On March 12 at 12:00AM, police were advised that the Lorain County Sheriff’s Office had a man who was showing an active bench warrant through the Huron Municipal Court with a $995 cash only bond. He was transported to the Erie County.

On March 12 at 12:00AM, police arrived at a house on Gateway Boulevard for an identity theft. A woman stated that she has received two letters in the mail recently, one from Chase Bank and the other from Netspend, advising her that accounts had been attempted to being opened in her name. The Chase letter stated they denied the request. The Netspend letter said that they are still seeking more information before they deny the request.

On March 12 at 12:06PM, police arrived at the Donut Shop parking lot for a vehicle accident. A man stated that when he was attempting to back from his parking spot when his foot slipped and he hit the accelerator instead of the brake. His vehicle the struck a parked truck. The man’s vehicle sustained disabling damage to the front passenger side of the truck. The vehicle he hit sustained damage to the front passenger side and front bumper.

On March 12 at 1:30PM, police arrived at a house on Cleveland Road for a welfare check. A medical alarm company said they were unable to reach a woman. When police arrived at the house, the woman said she was fine.

On March 10 at 9:30AM, police arrived at a house on Shearwater Circle for a golf cart inspection. After a $25 fee was paid, police inspected the vehicle. After meeting all of the requirements, the owner was issued the white copy of the form and an inspection sticker was placed on the vehicle.

On March 12 at 10:07PM, a man arrived at the Huron Police Department to report a domestic. He said that he was at his house when an argument broke out between his wife and son. He said the argument started when his wife was acting crazy and yelling about his son being at the gym too long. He said he was getting ready to leave, when his son ran out of the house asking him to come back in. His wife told him inside that, if he’d call police, she’d kill him and his son. That is when he went to the station. His son arrived soon after. He stated he arrived home around 8:30PM and instantly his dad’s wife was yelling at his and his siblings. He said she calmed down during dinner. He said that after dinner his little brother was playing with a monster truck and she told him to stop. The boy continued to play with it and the woman threw it at the wall. This scared his sister causing her to cry and lock herself in her room. The woman then ran up the stairs after her and the girl that ran back down to two of her siblings. They then left the house. The woman then stated that she was going to kill herself, and she then said that she was going to take a shot of vodka and go to bed. After police finished speaking to the two, the went to the house. Police went to the woman’s bedroom, woke her, advised of the complaint. She was then charged with Domestic Violence (M4) and transported to station. At the station she signed the conditions of bond, was given a copy of all her paperwork, advised of her court date, and then released to her mom.

On March 13 at 1:47PM, police arrived at the area of SR 2 eastbound for a reckless operator weaving in and out of traffic from SR250. Police checked the area and were unable to locate the involved vehicle. At 2:23PM, police went back to the area  of SR 2. Dispatch advised the vehicle had turned around at SR60 and was now traveling westbound on SR2. The vehicle was described as traveling all over the roadway and tailgating a semitruck. When police were driving to the area, they observed the involved vehicle continue on SR2 passing Berlin Rd. Police were able to catch up the vehicle on the bridge to the Huron River. While observing the vehicle, it drove erratically. Police told the driver to roll down the passenger side window with him throwing his hands in the air as if he couldn’t. He attempted to open a bag that was on the floorboard in the back. Police opened the passenger side door and ordered him to stop moving. While speaking to the man, they said they could smell an overwhelming odor of alcoholic beverage from inside the vehicle. Police took the man was out of his vehicle. While speaking to the driver, he was very unsteady on his feet and his eyes were red and glassy. When he was asked how many alcoholic beverages he had that day, he said that he hadn’t had any. He declined to take a Standardized Field Sobriety Test. He was then placed under arrest and put in rear of a cruiser. Police located two open containers of alcohol, one being a can of Budweiser, and the other a glass bottle of moonshine in his car. At the station, the man requested to speak with an attorney and was allowed multiple times to contact one, but he never did. He then agreed to submit to a BAC test. The test came back .339% BAC. He was charged with OVI, OVI Per Se, and Fail to drive continuous lanes, and minor misdemeanor citation for open container in a motor vehicle. He was later transported to the Erie County Jail, where he was initially denied, but after being cleared by Firelands Regional Medical Center, was later accepted.

On March 13 at 9:42PM, police and Huron Rescue Squad arrived on Magnolia Road for a man who woke up from a seizure. The man was transported to Firelands Regional Medical Center.

Information in the police blotter is from Huron Police reports. Police reports can be viewed on the city’s website. Traffic crashes are not included in the police blotter.