Crime & SafetyNews

Man accused of attempting to break into woman’s house

VERMILION – A 34-year-old man was arrested and charged with a felony on August 22 after he allegedly tried to use a rock to break into a house located in the 5500 block of Cleveland Road in Vermilion Township.

According to a report from the Erie County Sheriff’s Office, deputies were called to the house for a report of a man threatening to break a window.

When deputies arrived, according to the report, they found William Simmons laying on his back in front of the garage. According to the report, deputies attempted to speak to Simmons; however, he began to walk away. Deputies then arrested Simmons with him resisting, the report states. Once deputies arrested Simmons, according to the report, he told deputies that he was at the house because a friend lived there.

According to the report, deputies spoke to the woman who lives in the house. She claimed, according to the report, that she was alerted to the incident when she checked her doorbell camera and found an unknown man standing outside. The woman told deputes that he began to try to enter the house and was yelling, which caused her to secure herself in an upstairs bathroom, the report states.

Deputies believed that Simmons was under the use of narcotics at the time of the incident. Simmons was charged with a third-degree felony count of attempted burglary, along with misdemeanor counts of obstructing official business, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct while intoxicated.