Crime & SafetyNews

Multiple car break-ins reported on Huron’s west side

HURON – Friday morning multiple Huron residents living on the west side of town reported to police that items were missing from their vehicles.

According to reports from the Huron Police Department, most of the thefts occurred in the Wexford neighborhood. Most of the items reported stolen were worth less than $100, with gift cards and loose change being a common items. The reports state the cars that were broken into were unlocked.

One of the thefts victims provided police with video of the theft. The video, according to the police report, shows three individuals with backpacks enter a vehicle. In that case, a set of keys were stolen.

Another individual provided with police of a video from around 2:57AM Friday. That video shows an individual attempt to enter a vehicle; however, it was locked.

This article was written by Nate Hinners. Contact Nate at