
Huron City Council approves tax abatement for South Shore Marine

HURON – At their meeting on Tuesday, April 26, Huron City Council voted to give South Shore Marine a tax abatement for the construction of a new 14,000 square foot indoor storage facility.

According to Huron City Manager Matt Lasko, the estimated cost of construction is $1,600,000. He added that South Shore has committed that the new facility will create at least four new employment positions, with approximately $240,000 in additional payroll.

The tax abatement is for 15 years and for 100% of the taxes created by the new building. There are separate agreements with Huron City Schools and EHOVE that will allow them to receive the full amount of taxes that both would receive if there was not a tax abatement.

Also discussed at the meeting

Council adopted a Local Preferred Ordinance for contracts with the City of Huron. The Local Preferred Ordinance will grant a 4% preference to bids submitted by businesses with a physical presence in the City of Huron and Huron Township and a 2% preference bids submitted to businesses with a physical presence in Erie County.

City officials also commenced the planning process for revitalizing the Main Street South Corridor. Residents interested in serving on the Steering Committee should contact Planning Director Erik Engle at