
Huron’s city manager says City does not have the capability to enforce ordnance regarding snow, ice on sidewalks

HURON – Huron City Manager Matt Lasko tells Huron Insider that the City of Huron does not have the personal capacity to enforce the City’s ordinance requiring that snow and ice be removed from sidewalks.

City of Huron ordinance 521.06 states in-part, “No owner or occupant of any lot or land abutting upon any street shall refuse, fail or neglect to construct, repair, or keep in repair and free from snow, ice or any nuisance.”

However, almost a week after Winter Storm Landon, several sidewalks, including ones near schools, were still covered by snows (see photo of snow on the sidewalks by Huron High School above).

Lasko tells Huron Insider that the City only has one inspector and, up until a few weeks ago, the inspector was only part-time. However, he says that, when the City has received complaints, they inspected and provided notice letters to property owners reminding them of the ordinance.

In a statement to Huron Insider, Lasko said “To inspect the entirety of the City immediately after a major snowfall, issue violation letters (which require proof of adequate service to the property owner which could take days) and then complete reinspection is unrealistic – especially considering in some instances, how quickly the snow could melt.”

“[W]e understand the importance of ensuring the public has a safe place to walk, even during winter months, which is why we make many efforts to remind the property owners of their responsibility and more than anything, stress to property owners to be neighborly and considerate of those who traverse sidewalks,” Lasko added. “This is also why we are continuing efforts to explore new sidewalk projects throughout Huron to create better and safer connectivity for our residents, and especially children. The fact that the community is speaking about this raises the awareness of all, and a substantial majority of citizens that call City hall understand the difficulty and need to ‘band together’ as a community as we address such challenges.”

Lasko also said that the City is in communication with their prosecutor about enforcement capabilities.