
Fundraiser created for Huron family whose dad is battling Stage 4 Invasive Adenocarcioma

HURON – A fundraiser has been created for the Lee family, of Huron.

According to the fundraiser, Danny, the father, is beginning his battle against and treatment for Stage 4 Invasive Adenocarcioma (Pancreatic and Stomach Cancer).

Organizer Lesley Swope wrote, “Danny had a laparoscopy and had a port implanted on Tues, Jan 25th ( 2022) and he will begin Chemotherapy on February 7th.  Chemo infusions will occur every other Monday and will infuse from a pump to his port for 48 hours.”

“As you can imagine, a diagnosis of this magnitude presents a multitude of financial burdens. Danny’s ability to work as well as health related costs and providing for his family as a single parent will be more than anyone can handle alone,” Swope wrote. “Any help you can give to help ease the physical, financial and emotional toll this will take on him and the kids will be greatly appreciated.”

Along with monetary donations, the fundraiser is asking individuals to send positive cards or words of encouragement, including Bible verses, to the family at 814 Salem Drive, Huron, OH 44839.

Click here to view the fundraiser.