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Ohio Democratic candidates for governor announce Lt. Gov. picks

COLUMBUS – The two now-former mayors running for the Democratic Party nomination for Ohio governor in 2022 announced their lieutenant governor selections Wednesday, with former Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley choosing Cuyahoga County Councilmember Cheryl Stephens and former Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley picking state Sen. Theresa Fedor of Toledo.

In Columbus Wednesday, Whaley said she picked Stephens “because they both know our state is fundamentally broken and Ohioans deserve better,” according to a news release.

“Cheryl and I come from different communities in different parts of the state, but we both know this: Ohio deserves better,” Whaley said. “We deserve a state that works for us. A state government that wants your pay to go up, your bills to go down, and your government to work for you.”

Stephens said every kid and family in Ohio deserves the same opportunity she’s been given.

“I’ve spent my career fighting so that everyone has the opportunity to own a home and so that families can build wealth and leave something behind for their kids,” she said. “Together, Nan and I will help build that dream for all Ohioans.”

Cranley made his announcement in Toledo Wednesday morning, saying Fedor’s “moral compass and record of achievement as a state legislator make her uniquely qualified and ready to lead,” in a news release.

“Teresa Fedor has proven that she has the experience, compassion and wisdom to join me in bringing about an Ohio comeback,’’ Cranley said. “Together, with our combined records of accomplishments, I’m confident that she is the perfect choice.’’

Fedor said she was honored by the selection.

“For too long, our leaders have failed us,’’ Fedor said. “This is going to be the ticket that turns around Ohio, not with safe platitudes but with big ideas and smart, strategic plans. Like creating an energy dividend, legalizing marijuana and then using that money to help create 30,000 jobs that pay at least $60,000 a year. Let’s just think about what a game-changer that could be for Ohio families.”

Whaley’s pick, Stephens, is currently the Chief Executive Officer of the East Akron Neighborhood Development Corporation (EANDC), which strives to strengthen communities by providing affordable housing and neighborhood revitalization, according to the release. Stephens is also the Councilmember for Cuyahoga County District 10, where, the release said, she focuses on improving county services and increasing investment in local small businesses. She has previously served the residents of Cleveland Heights as a councilmember and mayor.

As for Fedor, after graduating from Anthony Wayne High School in Whitehouse, Ohio, she served in the U.S. Air Force from 1975-1978 and the Ohio Air National Guard from 1980-1983. She earned a bachelor’s degree in education from the University of Toledo, then began her 16-year career as a classroom teacher in 1986 when she taught kindergarten at the Toledo Public Schools. Fedor first joined the state legislature in 2002 as a member of the Ohio House of Representatives. She currently represents Lucas County in Ohio’s 11th Senate District.