
Huron Board of Education approves both TIF related agreements

HURON – The Huron Board of Education voted unanimously to approve two TIF related agreements at their Tuesday meeting.

The first agreement is a School Compensation Agreement with the City of Huron. The agreement allows Huron City Schools to receive regular taxes from Ardagh Metal Beverage USA Inc, who owns and is currently expanding the former IAC plant. At the December 14 Huron City Council meeting, Huron City Manager Matt Lasko said that council will likely vote on giving Ardagh a TIF at their December 28 meeting.

The second agreement gives NAI Harmon Group, the planned developer of the former ConAgra parcel, a TIF. NAI Harmon plans to develop the property into 50 townhouses and 30 apartments or condos. The property is also planned to have boat docks, a half mile walking trail, green space, and a overlook boardwalk. There will also be a School Compensation Agreement with this TIF; however, it will only be equal to 25% of what the regular taxes would be. For example, under the agreement, if all 80 units are sold, then the district will only collect about $90,000, instead of the $360,000 it would otherwise receive. Currently there are no taxes on the property, due to the City of Huron owning it.

Huron City Manager Matt Lasko gave a presentation to the board before the votes. He said, “When we do come in front of the board seeking some concessions in the form of a TIF or a tax abatement, that there an understanding that it is truly because it’s absolutely necessary for the project. And every instance where we can keep the school districts whole, we are absolutely going to do that as best as we can. With those both being on the agenda tonight, I hope that’s sort of a takeaway from this board that we will fight tooth and nail when we get a request for an abatement.”

The first agreement was passed without discussion.

There was discussion, however, before the approval of the second agreement. Huron Board of Education Vice President Jody Mast asked several questions to Lasko. She said why the TIF needed to be passed that evening. Lasko said that the project is at a standstill due to financing and that this is the first step.

At the beginning of the meeting, Former Huron City Schools Treasurer Randy Drewyor and Huron Board of Education Member Elect Stacy Hinners spoke in audience comments.

Drewyor said that he supports both agreements. He said, from he personal experience as treasurer, that “the conversation always centered on trying to do what is best for everyone. And that the schools’ interests were on the top of those conversations.” He pointed out that the ConAgra property currently doesn’t bring in any tax revenue for Huron City Schools. This is due to the City of Huron owning the property.

Hinners, who will be swore-in on January 4, asked the board to vote no on the NAI Harmon agreement or table it until the new board can vote on it. She said that it will be hard to gain back voters trust for future levies. She said that this would not be the best use of money is a community “where the schools are literally crumbling.”

This was the last meeting for board members Donna Green, Scott Slocum, and Paul Ward. At the end of the meeting, current Vice President Jody Mast was appointed temporary board president. At the January 4 Huron Board of Education organizational meeting, a final president and vice president will be picked.