Crime & SafetyNews

Man charged with felony after allegedly assaulting officer who called the squad on him

HURON – A Huron man was charged with a felony Monday morning, after he allegedly assaulted a police officer who called the squad on him.

According to a police report from the Huron Police Department, an officer responded to a Berlin Road apartment complex for a report of man named Greg knocking on doors and screaming. Before the officer arrived, he was advised that police had previously dealt with Gregory Moody for mental health issues.

When the officer arrived, he allegedly found Moody in the hallway frantically yelling to repent and said it is “Our saviors birthday”. The officer allegedly attempted to calm Moody; however, he remained loud and frantic. When the officer requested that a squad be sent so Moody could be checked out, Moody allegedly lunged toward the officer and struck him in the face with a closed fist.

The officer allegedly then attempted to subdue Moody on the floor; however, Moody continued to fight. Another officer and a neighbor allegedly helped with subduing Moody.

When Huron Fire arrived, they allegedly gave Moody medicine to calm him; however, it had no effect. Eventually, Moody was able to be secured to a stretcher. He was transported to Fireland Regional Medical Center.

Moody was charged with Assault (F4) and Resisting Arrest (M1).