
Family of Huron student accused of sexual assault and harassment files lawsuit

HURON – The family of a Huron City Schools student accused of sexual assault and sexual harassment has filed a lawsuit against the family of one of his accusers, the Sandusky Register, and various individuals who commented online about the situation.

James and Jennifer West, the parents of a male student who was at McCormick Middle School in 2019, as well as other West family members, and the corporate entities that own the West family’s restaurants, Jim’s Pizza Box, filed a complaint in the Erie County Court of Common Pleas last week alleging defamation, libel, and other related claims. The suit names multiple defendants including Shawn and Michelle Jordan, the parents of one of the female students who accused the Wests’ son of sexual harassment. The Wests are also suing the Sandusky Register, Sandusky Register Managing Editor Matt Westerhold, and several individuals alleged to have made posts or comments relating to the incident on Facebook.

The lawsuit claims that the Jordans’ daughter asked for and received a picture of the plaintiffs in this case’s son’s penis. The Wests claim that when Michelle Jordan found photos of male genitalia, not just of the plaintiffs’ son, the daughter made up that that the son had sent all of the nude photos and videos. It claims that the Jordans then met with the Wests, and, during the meeting, the Wests punished their son and the Jordans and Wests agreed that no further punishment was necessary. The Jordans still went to Huron Police and, according to the lawsuit, gave them false information. The Wests claim that, after going to the police, their son was investigated and, as a result, was suspended from school for seven-days. The lawsuit claims that after that, the Jordans’ daughter made up that the Wests’ son sexually assaulted her in the locker room earlier that year.

Later, in June 2019, the Wests’ son plead guilty to one count of pandering and was released on house arrest with an ankle monitor. The terms of his’s house arrest was that he was only to leave home to attend mandatory school activities. The lawsuit claims that on July 11, 2019, a non-mandatory football practice was held; however, the Wests’ son did not attend it, because it would violate his house arrest terms. The Wests claim that the Jordans’ daughter made up that football players, including the their son, called her a “slut” and “whore” as she rode her bike past the football field. The lawsuit claims that the Jordans’ son confronted the Huron Tigers head football coach Sam Hohler about it. In the lawsuit is a letter from Hohler denying that the Wests’ son was at football practice on that night.

The lawsuit also claims Sandusky Register, owned by Ogden Newspapers, published false and misleading information in two articles. It also claims that in a video interview with the Jordans, Sandusky Register editor Matt Westerhold stated the Jordans’ claims as facts and not as accusations. It also claims that the Jordans made several false claims during the Sandusky Register interview.

The lawsuit also claims that the six individuals who the Wests allege posted comments about the incident on a local Facebook group, known as The Talk of Huron. The Wests claim that the sis individuals conspired with the Jordans to attack the Wests and damage their businesses, Jim’s Pizza Box.

The lawsuit asks for an award of an amount excess of $1,000,000 for each claim. There are five claims in the lawsuit.

The plaintiffs are represented by Cleveland attorney Brian Spitz of the Spitz Law Firm.

The full lawsuit filed by the Wests can be read below.

More information about the Jordans’ Title IX case against Huron City Schools can be found here.