
Governor DeWine Holds Evening Address to Ohioans

At Governor Mike DeWine’s address to Ohioans on Tuesday at 5:30PM, Governor DeWine asked Ohioans to wear masks and social distance, announced new health orders, and threated another shutdown.

Governor DeWine said, “If the current trend continues and cases keep increasing, we will be forced to close restaurants, bars, and fitness centers. We will look at this one week from tomorrow. I am very well aware of the burden this will place on employees and the owners. But, these are places where it is difficult or impossible to maintain mask-wearing, which we know now is the chief way of slowing this virus.”

Governor DeWine also said the one of the main reason of the recent spike in COVID-19 cases in Ohio, is the result of banquets, wedding receptions, and social gatherings following funerals. He said that it is not the ceremonies causing the problem. It’s the party afterward. He will order that open congregate areas can no longer be open. The order will require everyone to be seated and masked unless they are actively consuming food or drinks and it will prohibit things such as dancing and games.

Tweet from Governor DeWine’s Office About the Revised Mask Order for Business and Stores.

Governor DeWine also issued an order for stores and businesses. The order says that Businesses will be required to post a face covering sign at all entrances and stores will be responsible to make sure that customers and employees are wearing masks. The new Retail Compliance Unit of the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation will ensure compliance. The first violation of the order will bring about a written warning and a second violation will bring about closure of the store for up to 24 hours.

You can watch the address below.