
Police Blotter for the week of June 6

HURON – Below is a summary of Huron Police reports from between June 6 to June 12.

On June 6 at 4:02AM, police arrived at the Comfort Inn for an unwanted guest. Police spoke to an employee who said that, while she was working front desk, she heard a couple arguing in the hallway. She also said that multiple guest made noise complaints against the couple. She said that soon after, the man came to the found desk and began obscenities towards her. She said that she told the man to stop, and he did. She said that, approximately ten minutes later, the man came back down and began doing the same thing. This time, however, she called the police. Police then went up to the couple’s room; however, they were unable to make contact with the couple. When police came back down, another woman, who said that the man was her boyfriend, was at the front desk. She said that they had verbally argued all day. She also said that the man had run from the hotel. Police then found the man at the parking lot of Valley Ford. He said that he fled from the scene because he was scared about a false accusation against him. At the request of the employee, the man was trespassed from the hotel.

On June 6 at 12:15PM, police arrived at a Richland Avenue house for a disturbance. Police spoke to a man, who said that the neighbors had been walking on his property, looking in his car, and were mowing part of his lawn. He said that that day he caught the neighbor was mowing a strip of his grass. He said that after he confronted the neighbor about this, a brief argument occurred. Police the spoke to the neighbor, who said that she was not aware of a property line as there are no stakes or other identification markings. A compromise was the reached between the two. The neighbor says she’ll only make one pass next to the flower bed on the south side of the yard.

On June 6 at 9:09PM, police arrived at a Cleveland Road apartment for a for a suicidal person. Police spoke with a man, who said that his mother has been suicidal and wanted to harm herself. The woman, his mother, was very upfront about her suicidal feelings. She said that she has been having them off and on for quite some time. She then agreed to talk with a mental health professional. She was then transported to the hospital.

On June 6 at 11:55PM, police arrived at the Rye Beach Shell/Hy-Miler for an individual experiencing a heart attack. The individual was found in the parking lot between Knuckleheads and Rye Beach Shell.

On June 7 at 2:12PM, police arrived at a Taylor Avenue house for a golf cart inspection. After a $25 fee was paid, police inspected the vehicle. After meeting all of the requirements, the owner was issued a copy of the form and an inspection sticker was placed on the vehicle.

On June 7 at 4:22PM, police arrived at a Main Street house for a theft. A woman said that she is worried that her stepfather will go to her house and try to harm her. When asked if he made any threats towards her, she said he hadn’t. The woman made no mention of a theft. Police spoke with the stepfather. He said he hasn’t been over to her house and won’t be going over in the future.

On June 7 at 8:29PM, police arrived at a Main Street house for a theft. A woman said that she suspects that her stepfather sold her medications. Police asked the woman why she suspects him. She said, “I just know it was him.” Earlier that day, police spoke with the stepfather. He said back then that he hadn’t been over to her house in a while.

On June 7 at 8:31PM, police arrived at a Main Street house to assist the fire department. A woman told the fire department that she was going to burn down her home. When police asked the woman about this statement, became belligerent toward them. The woman said that she was not going to burn down her home and then asked police to leave. She said that she was upset that the fire department would not do a breathing treatment for her. Police then returned to service.

On June 8 at 12:45AM, police arrived at a Berlin Road house for a domestic dispute. A man said that when he returned home, after leaving because of an argument, his live-in girlfriend slapped him. He said that he did not want to press charges, but instead have her leave the house for the night. The girlfriend denied hitting him. She also appeared to be intoxicated. She declined to leave, and instead said that her boyfriend should leave. He declined to leave. Police then left the house. About an hour later, police returned to the house for a domestic dispute. This time, the man said, that after police left, his girlfriend told him “What a bitch move for calling the cops” and then to grabbed him by his genitals. He again asked that she leave the house for the night. Police then spoke with the girlfriend. She admitted to calling him a bitch, but said that she did not touch him. She said that after police left, her boyfriend grabbed her by the neck and began to choke her. She did not appear to have any sign of physical harm. Police then spoke to the man’s daughter. She said that she heard arguing between the two, but did not see it. Police told the woman to leave the house for the night. She was brought to the police station, where she was picked up by a friend.

On June 8 at 5:09AM, police arrived at Romeo’s Pizza for alarms. They spoke with a man who said he was making a delivery. The man said the code he usually uses wasn’t working.

On June 8 at 7:45AM, police arrived at Main Street Tavern after observing a woman  laying partially in the roadway at the entrance. When police approached the woman, she said, “Fuck you, leave me alone, I’m going to court.” The woman appeared to be highly intoxicated. She then began to crawl away from police officers. After a struggle, police were able to handcuff the woman and place her in a cruiser. While they were driving to the police station, the woman accused police of killing her dog and called them “pieces of shit.” While at the station, the woman said that if officers took the handcuffs off of her, then she would kill all of them. The woman was charged with Resisting Arrest and Persistent Disorderly Conduct. She was then taken to the Erie County Jail. While at the jail, she made a suicidal threat.

On June 8 at 8:02AM, police arrived at the Cuyahoga County Sherriff’s Office for a man who had a warrant issued through Huron Municipal Court. The man was later transported to the Erie County Jail.

On June 8 at 9:12AM, police arrived at the Mallard Run apartments to assist the Huron Fire Squad with a combative diabetic who was having a change in mental status.

On June 8 at 4:45PM, police arrived at Nickel Plate Beach for a suicidal female. When police arrived, the found a vehicle with a suicide note in the passage seat. Police then found the woman on the Nickel Plate Pier. The woman said that she was having a bad day and was contemplating suicide. She said that she attempted suicide the day before. The woman agreed to be transported to Firelands Regional Medical Center for possible medical treatment.

On June 9 at 1:36AM, police arrived at the Krebs Cove apartments for a domestic dispute. Police spoke with a woman. She said that, while she and her daughter were trying to sleep, her live-in boyfriend was being loud and had the TV’s volume up loud. She asked police to ask him to keep the volume down. Police then spoke to the boyfriend. He said that, while he was watching TV, his girlfriend was messing with the volume. He said that he would leave the apartment for the night.

On June 9 at 10:46AM, police arrived at SR 2 for a traffic crash.  Vehicle #1, while traveling north bound signal at the SR2 west bound off ramp and Rye Beach Road and struck vehicle #2, while it was making a south bound turn onto Rye Beach Road.

On June 9 at 10:50AM, police arrived at an Ironwood Road house for a zoning complaint received by the city zoning inspector. Police spoke with a woman. The advised her of the complaint and that the city zoning inspector will be following up with her.

On June 9 at 5:40PM, the Erie County Sherriff’s Office reported they had a man in custody who had a warrant issued through Huron Municipal Court. The man was later released on bond.

On June 9 at 11:52PM, police arrived at a Cleveland Road apartment for an overdose. Police found a man sitting up on a couch, unconscious, and having difficulty breathing. Also in the apartment were a group of the man’s friends. One of the friends said that she had received multiple text messages from the man that made the overdoes seem intestinal. She also said that the man had attempted suicide in the past. Another one of his friends said that he received concerning text messages from him. Huron Fire treated the man for the overdose. They transported him to Firelands Regional Medical Center for a mental health evaluation.

On June 10 at 8:08AM, police arrived at a Bogart Road house for a safe that was found in the front yard. Police found the safe that was open. It did not appear that the safe was forcibly opened. The homeowner said that he noticed the safe in his fount yard that morning. Police collected the safe.

On June 10 at 8:09AM, Huron Municipal Court reported that they had served a man with a warrant on June 9.

On June 10 at 10:47AM, police and fire arrived at an Atwood Place house for a fire alarm. The alarm was found to be a false alarm.

On June 10 at 12:21PM, police arrived at the Comfort Inn for a vehicle lockout. Police were able to unlock the vehicle.

On June 10 at 1:35PM, a man arrived at the police station for a golf cart inspection. After a $25 fee was paid, police inspected the vehicle. After meeting all of the requirements, the owner was issued a copy of the form and an inspection sticker was placed on the vehicle.

On June 10 at 5:44PM, police arrived at a Superior Drive house for a hit-skip accident. A woman said that a blue Chrysler Pacifica backed up and hit her vehicle. Police found that they vehicle was found to be owned by a woman who lives in Monroe, MI. Police were unable to contact the woman.

On June 11 at 6:52AM, police arrived at a Linden Drive house for a domestic dispute. A woman said that a man was not returning her bank cards. The man said that he was concerned that the bills would not be paid if he returned the cards. After speaking with police, he agreed to return the cards.

On June 11 at 11:39AM, police arrived at a By the Shores Drive house for alarms. The house was found to be secure.

On June 11 at 11:39AM, police arrived at Nickel Plate Beach for a juvenile complaint. When police arrived, the observed 15 juveniles jumping off the east pier. Police spoke to the group and told them that it is not allowed to jump off the break wall. The group apologized and walked back to the beach.

On June 11 at 6:21PM, police pulled over a car on SR 2. The man was going well above the 70 MPH speed limit. The man said he knew if was speeding. When asked for his license, he said that he did not have it. A check of LEADS found that the man’s license was under security suspension.  The man said that he believed an attorney took care of the suspension. The man was cited for speed. His mom later picked him up.

On June 11 at 6:27PM, police arrived at a Main Street house for a vehicle lockout. Police were able to unlock the vehicle.

On June 11 at 8:37PM, a woman reported that her granddaughter had been having problems with her live-in boyfriend. Police then went to the Rye Beach Hy-Miler/Shell, where the granddaughter worked. She said that her boyfriend threatens her on a regular basis and has committed domestic violence against her. She showed police a text message that said , “I swear to god if you ever cheat on me I will kill you.” She also showed police the inside of her mouth where a small hole could be seen on the upper right-hand side of the inside of her lip. She said that this is where her boyfriend stuck her in an argument. She said that she planed on not returning home that night. She said that she wants her boyfriend charged and be forced to leave the area. Police spoke with the Huron Municipal Court prosecutor about charges.

On June 11 at 8:56PM, a person turned in a phone that they said they found on a ledge. Police spoke with the phone’s owner. He said that he would pick up the phone on June 12.

On June 11 at 9:27PM, a person turned in a bank card they found at the Berlin Road Hy-Miler/Mobil. Police then called the card’s owner. She later came to the station to pick up the car.

On June 11 at 10:52PM, police arrived at the Rye Beach Shell/Hy-Miler for a disturbance. The complainant said that an ex-boyfriend of an employee was there yelling and causing a scene. When police arrived, they spoke with two men. The first man said that he was trying to figure out what was going on, as he was told to stay away from his girlfriend. The second man said that he told the first man to stay away from his girlfriend. He said that once he did that, the man ran down from his house to speak with his girlfriend. Police were told that Shell corporate had banned the first man from the gas station. The first man also told police that he was no longer at the house where he and his ex-girlfriend lived. Police told the second man that he was banned from the gas station and the house, after he retrieved his belongings. Police then transported the man to his father’s house in Sandusky.

On June 12 at 1:32AM, police arrived at the Kerb’s Cove apartments for a disturbance. The complainant said he heard arguing and what sounded like a door being kicked down, from an apartment. When police arrived, the knocked on the apartment’s door; however, no one answered. Police then spoke to the complainant. While they were doing this, they could see a man inside the apartment walk to the door and then sit on the couch. After police were done talking to the complainant, they attempted to call the man in the apartment; however, he still didn’t answer.

On June 12 at 4:24PM, police arrived at Blue Ribbon Catering for a dispute. Police spoke with the owner, who said that a man was refusing to leave. Police then spoke with that man, who said that the owner had threatened him; however, he didn’t want to pursue charges. Police stood by while the man picked up his food.

On June 12 at 4:39PM, police arrived at a Sommerset Lane house for an animal at large. Police spoke with a person who wished to remain anonymous. The person said that had secured a Pitbull, who was roaming the area, with a rope. The person also said that a similar incident took place on Memorial Day. Police took the dog and put it at the radio tower area of the police department. At 5:20PM, when police went to check on the dog, the dog was missing.

On June 12 at 5:19PM, police arrived at a Kiwanis Avenue house for a suspicious person, Police spoke with a woman who showed police surveillance camera footage from 3:35AM to 3:40AM on June 11. The footage showed a man, with a large pole in his hand, ride a bike onto the property; lean the bike against a tree; walk out of camera view; then walk back in and ride away.

On June 12 at 5:52PM, police arrived at the Mallard Run Apartments for loud music. When police arrived, they heard loud music coming from an apartment. Police spoke to a man in the apartment. He then turned the music down.

On June 12 at 8:12PM, police arrived at the BP gas station for a possible civil matter. A man said that he went inside to prepay $40 for gas for pump #1. He said that when he went outside, he realized that his vehicle was at pump #2. When he went back inside to correct the error, he was told that a person had already pumped gas at pump #1. Police then told the man that this was a civil matter. Police the spoke to the store clerk, who said that the man should contact the store manager.

On June 12 at 9:55PM, a man arrived at the police station to report a scam. He said that a person who he has been communicating on the interned with an individual who was claiming to be NBA player Kyle Kuzma since December 2020. He said that this person had convinced him to send $1720 to invest in Android. Police told the man to stop communicating with this person.

Information in the police blotter is from Huron Police reports. Police reports can be viewed on the city’s website.