
Ceremony to be held on July 12 to remember Chris and Owen Kedas

HURON – On the night before a boating accident near Cleveland claimed the lives of 11-year-old Owen Kedas and his father Chris, Owen and his teammates from Huron’s Armstrong Drive Thru 11U baseball team earned a spot to play in the Firelands Interleague Championship against Willard. Now, Owen’s coaches, teammates, opponents and community will make sure that Chris and Owen are remembered.

On Monday, July 12 at 5:30PM, before the championship game, Owen’s team will hold a ceremony at honoring Chris and Owen Kedas. During the ceremony, a tree that is located near the baseball fields that Owen played in will be dedicated. The championship game will then take place, at 6:28PM. The start time was moved up by two minutes because Owen’s number was 28. Both the ceremony and game will take place at Faben’s Park.

“This memorial and the support from the Huron community for the Kedas family is just another reminder what makes this such a great community,” said Head Coach Tim Roth. “Chris and Owen were the type of people you wanted to be around. Both were passionate about their baseball and honoring them before our championship at home is really something special. They will be greatly missed, especially by their Cub family.”

The championship game was originally scheduled to be played at Sports Force; however, after the first attempt by the Firelands Interleague to reschedule didn’t work out, Willard Coach Keith Weaver called Roth and offered to move the game to Huron’s home field.

Coach Jenn Forbes said, “It was a true privilege to know Chris and Owen. As the Cubs outfield coach, I was blessed to have Owen as one of the finest outfielders – a kid you could trust, a kid you knew would come through on a clutch play, and a kid you wanted next to your own. The passion and energy he had in the outfield was met with just as much intensity at the plate. He was a true asset that will not be forgotten. I will certainly miss Chris as well. There was hardly ever a time that I exited the field after a game that Chris wasn’t there to pay someone a compliment or give a high-five. Chris’s love for his family and the game of baseball was palpable. Chris and Owen will always be remembered.”

The Huron community is welcome to attend the ceremony.