
Huron City Schools creates survey for ESSER III funds

HURON – Huron City Schools posted a survey on Tuesday that asks the public about how they think the ESSER III funds that the district is set to receive should be used.

ESSER III funds are federal CARES Act money that goes to local schools districts, to help the districts address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ohio House Bill 170 gave the Ohio Department of Education $857 million in CARES Act money to provide the ESSER III funds to local school districts.

According to the survey’s description, Huron City Schools is set to receive $1,063,541.31 from the ESSER III funds. It also states that district will use the funds to “address (their) pandemic recovery and be better prepared for future events.

The State of Ohio does require that school districts to seek input from “a variety of stakeholders” in order to apply for the funds.

The survey can be foundĀ here.