
Ohio to end most COVID-19 health orders on June 2

COLUMBUS – At the May 12, 2021 Ohio statewide address, Governor Mike DeWine announced that the Ohio Department of Health will remove all COVID-19 health orders, except those for nursing homes and assisted living facilities, on June 2.

Governor DeWine said that June 2 was picked because it “will give anyone not vaccinated time to get the one-shot J&J vaccine or the first dose of Pfizer/Moderna and be well on the way to immunity.”

RELATED: State of Ohio to offer incentives for Ohioans who receive the COVID-19 vaccine

While the state will no longer be have health orders, businesses and schools will be able to make their own decisions about how to best keep their customers, employees, and students safe.

Governor DeWine also told Ohioans, “you got us to where we are today. You sacrificed. You persevered. And many times, you have set the bar for the rest of the nation. Let’s show America again what Ohio is made of!”

Watch the statewide address below