
COVID-19 and Flu Differences

The Ohio Department of Health has released a list showing the key differences between COVID-19 and the Flu. The list is being released to remind people to get a flu shot. Getting a flu shot is being recommend more then usual because of the COVID-19 Pandemic. It is possible for a person to have both COVID-19 and the Flu at the same time. To find a place to get vaccinated near you go to

Tweet from Governor Mike DeWine’s Office Asking People to Get a Flu Shot

Some of the differences between COVID-19 and the Flu are, that Flu symptoms can start between 1-4 days. By comparison, COVID-19 can symptoms start anywhere between 2-14 days. Both virus have some of the same symptoms, like fever, cough shortness of breath, fatigue, sore throat, runny nose, headache, and body aches. But loss of taste or smell is only with COVID-19. Complications with COVID-19 are also higher, because most people have no immunity with COVID-19. COVID-19 is also more contagious then the Flu.