
Police Blotter for the week of February 28

Huron, OH – Below is a brief summary of Huron Police reports from between February 28, 2021 to March 6, 2021.

On February 28 at 6:18AM, police and fire arrived at Label Aid for the report of a fire alarm. The fire department cleared the building and reset the malfunctioning alarm.

On February 28 at 11:31AM, police arrived at the parking lot of Huron Lakeshore Laundry for a report of a vehicle lockout. After several attempts, Police successfully unlocked the vehicle.

On February 28 at 7:58PM, police were advised that the Lorain Police Department had a man on a traffic stop. He had a warrant for Contempt of Court through Huron Municipal Court with a $2496.50 cash only bond. Huron Police picked him up, and transferred him to the Huron Police Station. After not being able to post bond, he was transported to the Erie County Jail.

On March 1 at 4:31PM, police arrived at a home for an unruly juvenile complaint. A grandmother said that her granddaughter had been sneaking out at night, lying, and not following household rules. Police spoke to the granddaughter and admitted to everything said she doing. Police explained to her how as a juvenile, and that she has a responsibility to follow rules of her grandmother.

On March 1 at 6:45PM, police arrived at a home for a harassment complaint. A woman said that receiving phone calls from her live in boyfriend. The woman provided a voicemail recording from him where he said, ” I don’t give a f***, I will find you and I will hurt you, I promise.” She said she was also concerned about her belongings at the apartment as he threatened to destroy them. Contact was made with the boyfriend. He was arrested and charged with the Threat of Domestic Violence, a 1st degree misdemeanor. He also has two other previous domestic violence convictions.

On March 2 at 8:00AM, a debit card and stun gun that were left at Huron Municipal Court were turned into lost and found.

On March 2 at 9:26AM, police arrived at the Commerce Plaza parking lot for the report of a non-injury accident. A woman said her car was struck while driving in the parking lot. She also said that she believed her car was undrivable. The woman who was accused of hitting the car admitted to hitting the car. Police sent a report to both women’s insurance companies.

On March 2 at 2:19PM, police arrived at World Auto Parts for a property damage complaint. The caller advised a truck was stuck in their grass and had caused damage. While arriving to the scene, dispatch received another call that the truck pulled out of the grass and that he looked like the truck was going to leave. When police arrived the driver of the truck was still on scene. He said that would pay for the repair. The store employees said they only wanted a report on file in case the damage was not paid for.

On March 2 at 4:20PM, police arrived at the Main Street Mobil/Hy-Miler Gas Station for a report that someone had damaged the car wash doors. When police arrived, the manager said that a woman had backed into the entry door of the car wash, after she entered the car wash and while it was in operation. The impact damaged the door to the point it was inoperable. The manager provided the name of the woman who last paid for a car wash. The woman claimed that when she was in the wash her car started shaking, so she backed out. She didn’t believe that the doors were damaged when she backed into them. She said that she’d make arrangements to take care of repairing the damage.

On March 2 at 5:58PM, police arrived at a house in reference to theft of baby items from her residence. A woman said she returned to her home after her boyfriend was arrested for domestic violence. She believed his mother was responsible for taking the baby items, when she grabbed some of her son’s personal belongings. Police called the mother who denied taking the baby items.

On March 2 at 7:11PM, police arrived at a house in response to a report of a phone scam. A man said he a male called him earlier that day who claimed to be his grandson. He said that the male said that he was in a Virginia Jail for refusing a breath test from a traffic accident and that he needed $5,000 cash bond to be released. The man then received another call from someone identifying himself as “Alex Smith”, who is an attorney. The man on the phone asked said to withdraw cash from his bank and FedEx it to an address in Camp Springs, MD. The address ended up being an apartment complex in Suitland, Maryland.

On March 3 at 9:45AM, a woman arrived at the Huron Police Department in response to a letter about a warrant. Police escorted her to Huron Municipal Court where she was served on her warrant.

On March 3 at 4:37PM, police responded to an apartment for a woman who wanted to report bullying that her children were experiencing at Shawnee Elementary. The woman said that most recently, her children were being excluded by other children at school. She also said that last year where another child received a black eye from a fight with another child. Police said that this does not appear to be a criminal law violation, and encouraged her to work with the school district in addressing her concerns.

On March 3 at 4:55PM, police responded to Goodwill for a report of trespassing. A manager said that a man, who had been banned from the Bellevue Goodwill, was now at the Huron Goodwill. The man said that he thought he was only banned from the Bellevue Store and apologized for misunderstanding. The man the left without incident.

On March 3 at 7:43PM, police respond to Goodwill for a report of a vehicle lockout. Police were able to unlock the vehicle.

On March 4 at 6:00AM, Willoughby Police called Huron Police and said that they had a man in custody on an outstanding bench warrant issued by the Huron Municipal Court with a $565 cash only bond. He was unable to post the necessary bond and he signed the Rule 4 waiver. Huron Police then transferred him to the Erie County Jail.

On March 4 at 10:05AM, police, fire, and code enforcement went to an apartment for an inspection. Police were requested due to past issues with the current tenant. The tenant was previously given notice that his premise was going to be entered for an inspection of the smoke detectors. A representative from WT Realty began unlocking the door. As he attempted to open the door it was blocked, due to the tenant holding the door closed. He eventually allowed HFD, Zoning, and WT Realty in, and they were able to complete their inspection.

On March 4 at 8:49PM, police arrived at the Drug Mart parking lot to retrieve a wallet a man found.

On March 5 at 2:15AM, an Erie County Sheriff’s lieutenant arrived at the Huron Police Department with a man. He was put into the DUI chair and consented to a breathalyzer test. The results were 0.134% BAC. The man was charged with DUI.

On March 5 at 10:30AM, at the request of the Erie County Sheriff’s Office, on a student who has not been at school for several months. At his residence, a guardian said that there were no problems with him, and that she calls the school daily to report he is not going to school. She also allowed police to observe the he was sleeping in a chair near the doorway.

On March 5 at 3:00PM, in reference to a Magistrate’s Order from Erie County Court of Common Pleas, police arrived a home and spoke with a woman, to advise her of the order. She was given one hour vacate the property and did so without incident.

On March 5 at 5:20PM, police arrived at a home for a welfare check, in response to a 911 call. The call was from a woman who asked that they contact her sister after advising her sister advised her to call 911 for an unknown issue. The sister was only answering yes and no questions. She also said her boyfriend, who was involved in recent domestic violence incidents with her, was there, even though he is not allowed to. She said that he wasn’t being violent at the time. She then said she no longer need assistance and hung up. When police went to the apartment, they saw and spoke to the boyfriend in the parking lot. He said he was the only in the apartment to get his keys. He also said he had no contact with his girlfriend. Police then spoke to the girlfriend. She first said that he was just getting her keys, but later changed her story and said he wanted to argue and that’s when 911 was called. The girlfriend said she didn’t want to press charges.

On March 5 at 9:47PM, police arrived at Lake Front Park for a welfare check. A woman advised that a man made vague comments to her about harming himself and planned to sleep in the park for the evening. When police arrived, they found the man in the gazebo. He appeared cold. He said that he had been there for two hours and that he was having issues at home; however, he said that he had no plans of harming himself. He said that he planned to stay there and then get a hotel room. Soon after he decided to get a room at the Comfort Inn. Police then helped get his belongings from his house.

On March 6 at 2:00AM, the Ohio State Highway Patrol arrived at the Huron Police Department with a man to perform a OVI test. The results were 0.111% BAC. The man’s mother arrived at the station to pick him up.

On March 6 at 12:07PM, police arrived in the area of Domino’s on the report of domestic violence. When police arrived the two people were separated. The woman said that her boyfriend just broke up with her, and that she was upset about the break up and was yelling at him. Police spoke to the boyfriend. Both denied threatening violence. The two were both picked up.

On March 6 at 4:05PM, a man arrived to the Huron Police Department to make a complaint about a phone scam. He said he received a phone call and spoke to a male with a foreign accent named “Alex Carter”. He said the caller advised him he that needed to send $160 to a location in India. The man told the caller he wouldn’t send any money, and the caller said that he would make the man’s life hell. Police help the man block the number and told him to go to if he felt his identity was compromised. When police called the number a man with a foreign accent answered that call and quickly hung up, after he was advised of the reason for the call.

On March 6 at 10:29PM, police arrived at the Huron Lakeshore Laundromat. A person called to request that officers check on some children who were there. The children said they were just hanging out and staying warm, and that they would be heading home before curfew. Police then advised them of the posted sign prohibiting loitering. Two of the children’s guardians picked them up. The other children soon left on their own. Police left messages with their parents.

Information in the police blotter is according to Huron Police reports. Police reports can be viewed on the city’s website. Traffic crashes were not included in the police blotter.