
Governor DeWine signs new stand your ground bill into law

On Monday, Governor Mike DeWine signed Senate Bill 175 into law. Senate Bill 175 updates Ohio’s existing stand your ground law. Now, a person has no duty to retreat before using force in self-defense, defense of another, or defense of that person’s residence, if that person is in a place in which the person lawfully has a right to be.

Governor DeWine said in a statement, “I have always believed that it is vital that law-abiding citizens have that right to legally protect themselves when confronted with a life-threatening situation. When campaigning for Governor, I expressed my support for removing the ambiguity in Ohio’s self defense law, and Senate Bill 175 accomplishes this goal. That is why I have signed this bill today.” But he also said, “I am very disappointed, however, that the legislature did not include in this bill the essential provisions that I proposed to make it harder for dangerous criminals to illegally possess and use guns.”

Republican Senator Theresa Gavarone of Ohio’s 2nd District, which in-part serves Erie County, voted for the bill and tweeted, “If you are being threatened with great bodily harm or death you deserve the right to defend yourself with a weapon, even if it happens outside of your home or car.”

One the other side, Dayton’s Democratic Mayor Nan Whaley said in a statement, “I can’t express my level of disappointment. Gov. Mike DeWine came to our city and stood on stage for a vigil for our murdered friends and neighbors, and then told us he stood with our community in our fight against gun violence. Now he seems he does not. Gov. DeWine has made clear he opposes this dangerous policy, but he once again folded to the extreme elements in his own party. Stand your ground will make Ohio less safe, full stop. Our state needs principled leaders who will stand up for what is right, not what is politically easy.”

Ohio is now the 36th state to not require people to retreat before using force in self-defense. The full bill is posted below.