
Perkins Township begins process to demolish Maui Sands

SANDUSKY – The abandoned Maui Sands hotel and waterpark is one step closer to being demolished following a vote by the Perkins Township Board of Trustees.

At their Tuesday meeting, the Board voted to approve an ordinance to declare the structure insecure, unsafe and a nuisance and to order the property owner to demolish and remove the structure.

According to Township officials, the structure is made up of three buildings: the former Holidome, which is located closest to US-250; the Maui Sands waterpark and hotel, which is located in the middle; and the former Holiday Inn Express, which is located the furthest away from US-250. The structure has been vacant since the hotel closed in 2019 and was condemned soon after.

Township officials say the structure has become both an eyesore and a nuisance. Following a number of police and fire complaints, the Township and Erie County Health Department inspected the property.

Inside, Township officials said they saw numerous safety violations and provided photos of the violations.

One photo shows mattresses located at the bottom of a laundry shoot and below the entrance of the shoot, the word “jump” is written. Officials claim trespassers were likely playing a dangerous game of jumping in the shoot.

Another photo shows a live power line hooked up to an electrical box at the former Holiday Inn Express and dragged into the Maui Sands waterpark and hotel. Officials say this is dangerous, and the building’s fire protection systems have been damaged.

Other photos show the vandalism that has been done inside and outside the hotel since its closure. Officials say items have been thrown across the floor and the windows to the waterpark have been broken. They added that the basement of the waterpark area is now underwater from flooding.

Township officials added that since 2018, 114 police reports have been filed related to the property.

The next step for demolishing the former hotel will be a public hearing, which will likely be in April. At that meeting, the property owners will have a chance to respond to the allegations. Following that meeting, the board will be able to vote on securing and demolishing the building.

This article was written by Nate Hinners. Contact Nate at

PHOTO CREDIT: Google Earth

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