Crime & SafetyNews

Man allegedly steals girlfriend’s car, crashes it into garage

SANDUSKY – A 44-year-old man was arrested after he allegedly pushed his girlfriend out of her car and then crashed it into a garage.

According to a report from the Sandusky Police Department, officers responded to Remington Avenue in the early morning of January 6, after a woman called claiming that her boyfriend took her Honda CRV without permission and may be under the influence of narcotics.

According to the report, while officers were arriving to the scene, they observed a vehicle speeding through the parking lot of Lake Point Apartments. The officers, according to the report, observed the vehicle hit a bump, go airborne, and crash into a detached garage.

The report states the car came to rest in the middle of the garage with its tires approximately six feet off of the ground and the driver unable to leave the vehicle. The Sandusky Fire Department was called in and were able to extract the driver, George Rodriguez-Serra, through the windshield. He was then placed under arrest.

The complainant, Rodriguez-Serra’s live-in girlfriend, told officers that the incident occurred after they drove back from Lorain, where Rodriguez-Serra purchased $40 of crack cocaine. She claimed that he smoked it on the drive back and once they returned, he wanted her to drive him back so he could purchase more crack cocaine.

According to the report, complainant told police that after she refused to take him, he began driving in the parking lot and pushed her out of the vehicle, which caused her to hit her head.

When police spoke to Rodriguez-Serra, according to the report, he admitted to smoking crack cocaine, but refused to take a chemical test.

Rodriguez-Serra was charged with the following:

  • Robbery, a second-degree felony
  • Vandalism, a third-degree felony
  • Domestic violence, a fourth-degree felony
  • Assault, a first-degree misdemeanor
  • OVI, a first-degree misdemeanor
  • Reckless operation of a vehicle, a fourth-degree misdemeanor

After he was medically cleared, Rodriguez-Serra was transported to the Erie County Jail.

This article was written by Nate Hinners. Contact Nate at