Crime & SafetyNews

Man arrested for robbing Norwalk, Michigan banks

NORWALK and ANN ARBOR, Mich. – A man has been arrested for allegedly robbing two Michigan bank and a bank in Norwalk within a two-month period.

According to police, Scott Hansen first robbed a Chase Bank in Ann Arbor on July 16. He then robbed a Fifth Third Bank, also in Ann Arbor on July 29, and tried to rob it again on August 23, but ran off after a bank employee recognized him.

Police say that two days later on August 25, Hansen walked into the Civista Bank on Milan Avenue in Norwalk, armed with a handgun and ordered everyone to get down on the ground.

After he was told the bank did not have any cash in the teller drawers, Hansen allegedly demanded the bank manager open the teller cash recycler. After struggling with the machine, according to police, Hansen took two containers of cash from it and fled to his vehicle which was parked next door at McDonalds.

Police say that a customer provided them with a description of Hansen’s vehicle and its direction, which led to officers spotting and chasing him on US 250, US 20, and eventually a dead end road. At the dead end road, Hansen allegedly attempted to run from police; however, he was caught and arrested.

According to police, in Hansen’s vehicle, they found a loaded handgun and the two stolen cash containers.

Hansen allegedly admitted to police to robbing all three of the banks. MLive reports that record show that Hansen has a history of bank robbery. In the 1980s, he was convicted and sentenced to 25 years in prison for robbing three banks.

Hansen, 62, of Toledo is currently in federal custody. The FBI has taken over the case, as it is a bank robbery.

This article was written by Nate Hinners. Contact Nate at