
Event to be Held Tuesday Evening to Thank Firelands Hospital Health Care Workers

On Tuesday, November 24 from 7:00PM-7:30PM, an event will be held to thank the health care workers of Firelands Regional Medical Center.

On the Facebook post, it asks people to start parking at 7:00PM. They are asked to park in the large south lot in front of the Cancer Center and adjacent to Hayes Ave. If the south lot fills, cars can then park in the Tyler and Prospect Street lots. Hospital security and city police, who will be present, ask that everyone stay in their cars to observe social distance concerns.

At 7:20PM, people are asked to honk their horns and flash their lights. They can also bring other lights or noise makers. People are then asked to consider saying a silent or vocal prayer of thanksgiving and protection for our health care workers. Also, to pray for people suffering from COVID-19 and for their families.

At 7:30PM, cars will exit.

The event was organized by the Chapel.

More information can be found on Facebook.