
Superintendent responds to lawsuit

Huron, OH – Huron City Schools superintendent Dennis Muratori released a statement to parents and guardians Thursday. The statement is in response to the federal lawsuit accusing the Huron City School District and some of its employees of failing to protect several young female students from sexual harassment and instead protecting the male harasser.

The response reads as follows, “Over the past week there has been much speculation and perspective being shared throughout the community in reference to a lawsuit recently filed against select district administrators and the Huron Board of Education. Due to litigation, there is not much that can be said about the specifics of the case at this time outside of formal legal proceedings. While we continue to maintain strict safety standards for staff and students due to the pandemic, we are also committed to maintaining an environment free of harassment and discrimination. Our care for students goes well beyond academics; they are part of our lives, and the staff at Huron City Schools is committed to maintaining the safety and well-being of our students. The immediate concern at this moment is for all the students who are being unnecessarily attacked in different media platforms in relation to the emotional events from 2019. Regardless of one’s personal perspective toward this situation, we must maintain that the social and emotional well-being of all kids remains priority number one. We are in the process of responding to the lawsuit and will have no further comment regarding the litigation or allegations made in the lawsuit.”

Also on Thursday, a complaint was filed to the Huron Board of Education. The complaint comes from a petition that was created Sunday. As of 7PM Thursday, 112 people have signed the petition. A response to the complaint is requested by 5PM Friday.